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Top Housing Benefit & Council Tax Benefit topic #4596

Subject: "HB and overpayment of tax credits" First topic | Last topic

Welfare Benefit Advisor, New Charter Housing Trust. Ashton under Lyne.
Member since
13th Feb 2007

HB and overpayment of tax credits
Tue 13-Feb-07 02:21 PM

A tenant who is a single parent had to give yp work due to ill health. Se is now in receipt of IS and has an overpayment of WTC.As she was in receiept of HB when working and WTC was included in her Hb calc. Can we ask for a review of her income details with the hope that HB cannot include the amount she has to pay back to WTC. I can't find anaything that refers to this.



Replies to this topic
RE: HB and overpayment of tax credits, ken, 13th Feb 2007, #1
RE: HB and overpayment of tax credits, deades, 15th Feb 2007, #2


rightsnet, lasa
Member since
28th Jul 2005

RE: HB and overpayment of tax credits
Tue 13-Feb-07 02:41 PM

In CH/1450/2005, Commissioner Lloyd-Davies specifically considers the issue of whether overpaid tax credits count as income - regretfully from a client/adviser point of view not very positively.

A summary of CH/1450/2005 is available in the briefcase area of rightsnet (together with a link to the full decision available on the commissioners website @ www.osscsc.gov.uk).




Welfare Benefit Advisor, New Charter Housing Trust. Ashton under Lyne.
Member since
13th Feb 2007

RE: HB and overpayment of tax credits
Thu 15-Feb-07 12:32 PM


Thank you for the information, it does not seem fair that if you become to ill to work, you lose out, but if you can carry on working you benefit from the overpayment recovery, but hey what as fair got to do with it.




Top Housing Benefit & Council Tax Benefit topic #4596First topic | Last topic