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Top Housing Benefit & Council Tax Benefit topic #629

Subject: "HB overp.recovery" First topic | Last topic

Welfare Rights Officer, Tameside M.B.C.
Member since
23rd Jan 2004

HB overp.recovery
Mon 16-Aug-04 11:03 AM

Claimant was being paid HB/CTAX rebate, told LA they were being overpaid. LA did not act even thought they were told several times. Eventually they did act, but wish to recovery overpayment, appealed because official error, now LA have admitted official error, but still wish to recover. Appeal this week. No appeal rights against recovery, any suggested for claimant on how to proceed would be very welcome.



Replies to this topic
RE: HB overp. recovery, Kevin D, 16th Aug 2004, #1
RE: HB overp. recovery, cab_wyth, 16th Aug 2004, #2
RE: HB overp. recovery, Dotty, 17th Aug 2004, #4
RE: HB overp. recovery, Dotty, 17th Aug 2004, #3
      RE: HB overp. recovery, cab_wyth, 17th Aug 2004, #5
           RE: HB overp. recovery, Brian GIC, 18th Aug 2004, #6
                RE: HB overp. recovery, Kevin D, 18th Aug 2004, #7
                     RE: HB overp. recovery, Brian GIC, 18th Aug 2004, #8

Kevin D

Freelance HB & CTB Consultant/Trainer, Hertfordshire
Member since
20th Jan 2004

RE: HB overp. recovery
Mon 16-Aug-04 11:42 AM

Not the most helpful of replies, but unfortunately, I think you have very little room for manouevre.

Even though the LA made an error, it seems pretty clear that your client was aware that s/he was being overpaid. If that was the case, then the O/P is recoverable. As for actual recovery, the only real option you have is to try and plead for a write off. Only fair to warn you though that I think it is highly unlikely....

Kevin D




Advice Worker, Citizens Advice Bureau Wythenshawe
Member since
21st Jan 2004

RE: HB overp. recovery
Mon 16-Aug-04 02:48 PM

Have you checked that the local authority has followed the correct procedure i.e. correctly notify the claimant of the decision that they have been overpaid, and then notify the claimant of the decision to recover it. I did win a tribunal not so long ago because the LA submission was full of computer screen printouts and templates/skeletons of typical standard notification letters, but no copies of the actual decisions sent to client. The Presenting Officer could not prove that they had carried out the overpayment decision correctly. LA requested full statement of reasons for the tribunal's decision cos they obviously werent happy, but they didnt try to take it to Commissioners.
Good luck.




Welfare Rights Officer, Tameside M.B.C.
Member since
23rd Jan 2004

RE: HB overp. recovery
Tue 17-Aug-04 11:01 AM

Thank you Jo or your advice. I have not seen the papers, this is someone who is doing this themselves, I will contact them to see if he wants to bring the papers in for me to look at, it would give them somepoints to ask the tribunal to take into account.




Welfare Rights Officer, Tameside M.B.C.
Member since
23rd Jan 2004

RE: HB overp. recovery
Tue 17-Aug-04 10:59 AM

Thank you Kevin for your reply, Yes they did know they were being overpaid, but powerless to stop the overpayment as the LA did nothing when the claiment informed them(more than once) of this. Yes they have refused a write off, but maybe they could try judicial review.




Advice Worker, Citizens Advice Bureau Wythenshawe
Member since
21st Jan 2004

RE: HB overp. recovery
Tue 17-Aug-04 12:33 PM

Just another thought, if all else fails, could you take the case to local government ombudsman re: maladministration, with the aim of seeking compensation?



Brian GIC

Senior Advice Worker, Granton Information Centre, Edinburgh
Member since
14th Apr 2004

RE: HB overp. recovery
Wed 18-Aug-04 10:03 AM

You've said that your client knew s/he was being overpaid - could s/he be sure?

If possible I would go down the line of arguing that s/he had concerns - and brought these to the attention of the LA - but that she could not reasonably have been expected to know that these concerns were correct particularly in light of the LA's failure to act on the information they were being given. Presumably your client is not an expert in Housing Benefit and the LA, theoretically, are.

Was it not reasonable for your client to interpret the LA's failure to act as an indication that s/he was actually being paid the correct HB/CTB?



Kevin D

Freelance HB & CTB Consultant/Trainer, Hertfordshire
Member since
20th Jan 2004

RE: HB overp. recovery
Wed 18-Aug-04 10:15 AM


Counter-argument (just to be Devil's advocate...)

Would it not be reasonable for the clmt to have expected a letter confirming her HB/CTB was correct - i.e. not make assumptions...

At Tribunals I've attended in person, I have (generally) found Chairs to be VERY unsympathetic to appellants who rely on arguments based on assumptions. Invariably, Chairs have made a point of stating that it is not enough to make assumptions and, in a number of CDs (generalising), there appears to be more of less a similar line of thinking.




Brian GIC

Senior Advice Worker, Granton Information Centre, Edinburgh
Member since
14th Apr 2004

RE: HB overp. recovery
Wed 18-Aug-04 11:53 AM

Perhaps I should have said a "reasonable belief" rather than an "assumption". I think it's reasonable (for someone not familiar with the widespread incompetence of most LA HB departments) to believe that information which is provided to an LA will be acted upon appropriately.

Personally I find tribunals equally unsympathetic to LAs which appear incapable of meeting the minimum standards of decision making and administration and then try to make claimants pick up the tab. And that's what this case sounds like to me.



Top Housing Benefit & Council Tax Benefit topic #629First topic | Last topic