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Top Other benefit issues topic #1645

Subject: "JobCentrePlus or Fort Knox?" First topic | Last topic

Senior Welfare Rights Officer, prescot & whiston community advice centre
Member since
13th Apr 2004

JobCentrePlus or Fort Knox?
Thu 05-Jan-06 06:56 AM

21yr old, unkempt, obvious mental health problems attends JCP for help to complete his IS/IB claim form (the bits left as unanswered by the contact centre)he explains he cannot read/write. Turned away by Security Guard on the grounds that he has "no legitimate business at the Office"!!
He is directed to the local Connexions Office (despite being over 19)who direct him to the local CAB....net result...one frustrated and upset cl who having exposed his vulnerability to 2 organisations is so upset that he tears up his claim pack and deposits in a litter bin.
Definitely one way of getting ppl off benefits!


Top Other benefit issues topic #1645First topic | Last topic