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Top Other benefit issues topic #715

Subject: "new lasa benefit rates poster" First topic | Last topic

Charter member

new lasa benefit rates poster
Mon 24-Jan-05 09:58 AM

Mon 24-Jan-05 10:00 AM by ken

... in advance of the final version being published to the benefit rates area of rightsnet, a draft version of our 2005/2006 benefit rates poster is now available to download @


please let me know if you spot any gremlins!

cheers - ken



Replies to this topic
order rates cards and posters for your organisation, shawn, 24th Jan 2005, #1
RE: new lasa benefit rates poster, jimpepin, 26th Jan 2005, #2
RE: new lasa benefit rates poster, ken, 27th Jan 2005, #3
      RE: new lasa benefit rates poster, jimpepin, 28th Jan 2005, #4
RE: new lasa benefit rates poster, robbiespence, 02nd Feb 2005, #5
RE: new lasa benefit rates poster, ken, 02nd Feb 2005, #6
RE: new lasa benefit rates poster, Anne Parkinson, 03rd Feb 2005, #7
RE: new lasa benefit rates poster, ken, 03rd Feb 2005, #8
      RE: new lasa benefit rates poster, Anne Parkinson, 03rd Feb 2005, #9
RE: new lasa benefit rates poster, deborah, 22nd Feb 2005, #10
RE: new lasa benefit rates poster, ken, 22nd Feb 2005, #11
      RE: new lasa benefit rates poster, deborah, 22nd Feb 2005, #12
           RE: new lasa benefit rates poster, shawn, 23rd Feb 2005, #13
                Time running out ..., shawn, 10th Mar 2005, #14
                     Benefits Rates, paul_moorhouse, 14th Mar 2005, #15
                          RE: Benefits Rates, ken, 15th Mar 2005, #16
RE: new lasa benefit rates poster, Amyswinn, 03rd Apr 2005, #17
RE: new lasa benefit rates poster, Amyswinn, 03rd Apr 2005, #18
      RE: new lasa benefit rates poster, shawn, 05th Apr 2005, #19


Charter member

order rates cards and posters for your organisation
Mon 24-Jan-05 01:04 PM

Mon 14-Mar-05 09:48 AM by shawn

Stop press (14 March) - we'll be printing our 2005/2006
rates cards and posters following this week's Budget ...
so orders for your own copies need to be with us in the next few days ...

We're now taking orders for bulk supplies of our 2005/2006 rates cards and posters.

The card is pocket-sized and folds down 'concertina-style' to 7.5 x 12.5 cm. Unfolded, it will detail the 2005/2006 rates across 8 panels split between means tested benefits, tax credits and non-means tested benefits.

For an idea of how they look, pdf files of the rates side of a previous year's card are available here –

The poster is full colour, glossy, A2 sized and a draft can be previewed in the message above.

Cost - For a minimum order of 50 rates cards, the cost will be £25 (multiply up for larger orders ... £50 for 100, £75 for 150, £100 for 200 etc).

For a minimum order of 10, the posters will be £2.50 each.

(NB - All prices are exclusive of vat, but are free of postage and packing).

Delivery - We'll be signing off the designs following the Budget in March (in case the government should announce any October 2005 increases for example), so orders will be received by agencies in early April.

Ordering - If you'd like copies, email us (via [email protected] or the 'contact us' button at the top of the page) with how many you'd like, the cost, and the address(es) for delivery and where we should send the invoice.




Adult Social Services, Borough of Poole
Member since
29th Jan 2004

RE: new lasa benefit rates poster
Wed 26-Jan-05 03:57 PM

Possible gremlin: page 1, IS couple rate (under 18) - you give the highest rate as £56.20. I think that should be £67.15. You've got this figure OK fo HB.





Charter member

RE: new lasa benefit rates poster
Thu 27-Jan-05 10:53 AM

Hi Jim,

well spotted!

a definite gremlin!

thanks very much for your help and we will make sure that the figure is amended to £67.15 in the final draft of the poster.




Adult Social Services, Borough of Poole
Member since
29th Jan 2004

RE: new lasa benefit rates poster
Fri 28-Jan-05 08:49 AM

Send me a cheque for the usual amount !





benefits adviser, Essex County Council benefits team
Member since
22nd Jan 2004

RE: new lasa benefit rates poster
Wed 02-Feb-05 11:07 AM

please could I suggest that the rate for dependant children - in IS personal allowances - is amended to 'per dependant child'.
Welfare Rights Officer
Colchester Borough Council




Charter member

RE: new lasa benefit rates poster
Wed 02-Feb-05 03:08 PM

Cheers Robbie,

We'll have a think about that.



Anne Parkinson

Information Development Worker, The Carers Centre, York
Member since
03rd Feb 2005

RE: new lasa benefit rates poster
Thu 03-Feb-05 08:49 AM


I think there may be an ommission from the draft rates poster under the Housing Benefit/Council Tax section.

I note there is no mention of single person or couple aged 60-64 under the personal allowances.

I think this may be on oversight?

Anne Parkinson
Information Development Worker
The Carers Centre




Charter member

RE: new lasa benefit rates poster
Thu 03-Feb-05 09:33 AM

Hi Ann,

The reason for their omission is we have only included HB and CTB rates where they differ from those for Income Support/income based JSA or Pension Credit.



Anne Parkinson

Information Development Worker, The Carers Centre, York
Member since
03rd Feb 2005

RE: new lasa benefit rates poster
Thu 03-Feb-05 04:14 PM

Fair enough but I note that both Age Concern and the Noth Yorkshire Welfare Benefits Unit list the 60-64 age group rate seperately for clarity. This may be because new or infrequent advisers may not equate the term minimum guarantee with that of personal allowance.





development/advice worker, Barton Hill Advcie Service based East Bristol
Member since
22nd Feb 2005

RE: new lasa benefit rates poster
Tue 22-Feb-05 11:09 AM

Hi do you know what the new permitted work rates will be? Or is there no change ? Thanks




Charter member

RE: new lasa benefit rates poster
Tue 22-Feb-05 02:18 PM

Tue 22-Feb-05 02:18 PM by ken

hi deborah,

the permitted work rates are not necessarily amended alongside the annual April benefit uprating.

however, the following is a link to a recent rightsnet news story concerning the government's latest plans for changes to the scheme -

Incapacity benefit \'permitted work\': Government announces measures to improve and simplify the rules (13 December, 2004)




development/advice worker, Barton Hill Advcie Service based East Bristol
Member since
22nd Feb 2005

RE: new lasa benefit rates poster
Tue 22-Feb-05 02:46 PM

thanks for the info and link




Charter member

RE: new lasa benefit rates poster
Wed 23-Feb-05 08:59 AM

march 16 has today been announced as the day of the budget ... as we indicated above we'll be signing off the designs of the posters / cards following the Budget (in case the government should announce any October 2005 increases for example) ...




Charter member

Time running out ...
Thu 10-Mar-05 10:03 AM

.... to order rates cards and posters for your organisation

we'll be printing our 2005/2006 rates cards and posters following next week's Budget ... so orders for your own copies need to be with us in the next few days

see message earlier in this thread for more info on prices etc




welfare rights co-ordinator, bristol cc welfare rights and money advice
Member since
29th Jul 2004

Benefits Rates
Mon 14-Mar-05 03:00 PM

I know that this is definitely 'going to the wire' and you have probably thought about it, but having just tried to refer to the poster to calculate a Pension Credit claim for next year I note that it does not give the Maximum Savings Credit figures, it seems to me that this is just as essential as the other figures given, OK I know that you can calculate it by substracting the relevant threshold from the SMG multiplying by 60 over 100 but in the time it takes to do that I could look it up elsewhere.... any chance of squeezing it in?




Charter member

RE: Benefits Rates
Tue 15-Mar-05 11:27 AM

hi paul,

thanks for your suggestion.

unfortunately it is a bit too close to the wire!

the information you suggest would also be a bit difficult to squeeze in, and we have previously aimed at highlighting strictly 'benefit rate' information on the poster.

however, we will bear your suggestion in mind for next year.




Freelance benefits trainer, Freelance Brighton
Member since
09th Feb 2004

RE: new lasa benefit rates poster
Sun 03-Apr-05 12:04 PM

Not sure one of the IS rates for under 18 couples is right.

Options where both under 18 are £33.85/£44.50/£66.50 (and not £56.20)

I could be wrong...




Freelance benefits trainer, Freelance Brighton
Member since
09th Feb 2004

RE: new lasa benefit rates poster
Sun 03-Apr-05 12:08 PM

Indeed I am wrong. Right idea - just managed to type last year's figure! Should be £67.15 as upper rate, and someone has already spotted it, so I shall now say goodbye!!





Charter member

RE: new lasa benefit rates poster
Tue 05-Apr-05 01:47 PM

final version of our 2006/2006 rates poster is now available @


(ps - those who ordered bulk copies of the poster/rates cards can expect delivery next week)

cheers - shawn



Top Other benefit issues topic #715First topic | Last topic