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Top Working Tax Credit & Child Tax Credit topic #1210

Subject: "Tax credit overpayments .... CPAG looking for your help" First topic | Last topic

editorial director, rightsnet
Member since
28th Jul 2005

Tax credit overpayments .... CPAG looking for your help
Tue 02-Aug-05 03:38 PM

Carolyn George of CPAG has contacted us, and is looking for feedback from advisers around the country in relation to what's happening in your area with regard to tax credit overpayments.

For example, CPAG has heard of situations where the Revenue has said that a claimant has been overpaid tax credits but, when s/he appealed, the Revenue presumes (wrongly) that they were appealing against the decision to recover the overpayment (rather than the fact that they had been overpaid), told them that there was no right of appeal, and did not refer the appeal to the Appeals Service.

CPAG are wondering how big a problem this is for claimants and advisers, and are interested to hear about any kinds of appeals (not just overpayments) where -

  • the Revenue has told a claimant that s/he did not have a right of appeal and did not process that appeal and/or forward it to the Appeals Service; or

  • there has been a long delay in the Revenue processing an appeal and/or passing it to the Appeals Service

Advisers are encouraged to provide feedback here in the discussion forum which CPAG can use, as part of their Tax credits monitoring network, to, for example, lobby for change and identify possible test cases.


NB - CPAG are also looking for evidence in relation to tax credits and help with NHS costs .... When someone is awarded a level of tax credits that will exempt her/him from NHS charges (such as for prescriptions or dental care), the Revenue contacts the Prescription Pricing Authority (PPA), which then automatically sends her/him an exemption card. However CPAG has heard that there have been delays in the Revenue informing the PPA, which in turn has resulted in delays in claimants getting exemption cards.

Have any of your clients experienced such delays? If so, how long was the delay? Did they have difficulty getting health benefits as a result or getting a refund for payments they had to make while waiting?

Again, provide your feedback here to help CAPG in taking the issue forward ...



Replies to this topic
RE: Tax credit overpayments .... CPAG looking for your help, shawn, 05th Aug 2005, #1
RE: Tax credit overpayments .... CPAG looking for your help, willie sinclair, 09th Aug 2005, #2
RE: Tax credit overpayments .... CPAG looking for your help, Tony Bowman, 23rd Aug 2005, #3
RE: Tax credit overpayments .... CPAG looking for your help, Tony Bowman, 23rd Aug 2005, #4
RE: Tax credit overpayments .... CPAG looking for your help, vaughand, 15th Sep 2005, #5


editorial director, rightsnet
Member since
28th Jul 2005

RE: Tax credit overpayments .... CPAG looking for your help
Fri 05-Aug-05 02:38 PM

see also today's news story ...

Tax credits overpayments: Help CPAG lobby for change



willie sinclair

money advice worker, drumchapel bill paying service glasgow
Member since
28th Jan 2004

RE: Tax credit overpayments .... CPAG looking for your help
Tue 09-Aug-05 11:35 AM

I have today received a letter from the Inland Revenue stating that there are no grounds for appeal against an overpayment.

The appeal was that the overpayment was due to official error.

I have forwarded a letter to the Inland revenue in this regard.

What is more confusing is that the leter states "Thank you for your letter dated 06/apr/04, asking for an appeal against the notice decision issued on 06/july/05". I must be Clairvoyant.

Willie Sinclair



Tony Bowman

Welfare Rights Advisor, Reading Community Welfare Rights Unit
Member since
25th Nov 2004

RE: Tax credit overpayments .... CPAG looking for your help
Tue 23-Aug-05 01:02 PM

I have dealt with a case similiar to that given in the example by Shawn. Client received new awards for two years TC's. They were glaring inconsistencies and the client said that notified changes were not actioned. I wrote on the client's behalf to appeal. I was fairly careful to make it clear that the appeal concerned the calculation of TC's, but received a letter saying that this was not a valid appeal. I wrote back in dispute.

HMRC rang me a few weeks later to say that there was no right of appeal and we should contact the appeals section. Long discussion followed about appeal rights etc and it transpires that the appeals officer did not have the original, quite detailed, letter as it had been archived!!

The appeals officer is now, helpfully, working with me to understand the calculation, which will hopefully negate the need for an appeal.

I've had a similiar case also, where the claimant compliance unit have, most unhelpfully, taken up the case.

I've got a few appeals outstanding where HMRC just don't acknowledge or act on the appeal.



Tony Bowman

Welfare Rights Advisor, Reading Community Welfare Rights Unit
Member since
25th Nov 2004

RE: Tax credit overpayments .... CPAG looking for your help
Tue 23-Aug-05 01:03 PM

sorry.... 2nd para should read ".... we should contact the OVERPAYMENT section...."




Welfare Benefits Caseworker, South Tyneside CAB, South Shields, Tyne & Wear
Member since
27th Oct 2004

RE: Tax credit overpayments .... CPAG looking for your help
Thu 15-Sep-05 01:17 PM


I've had a similar case, where the client notified the Revenue that her daughter had left home, and of her partner's income. They issued an award which included the daughter and showed nil income for the partner. When they realised their error they issused a new award reducing entitlement. I helped her to appeal on the grounds that the amount of the award was wrong, not on the grounds that she was overpaid. Their reply was that the new award was simply an adjustment and therefore could not be appealed against. I replied saying that the award was a new decision about entitlement to credits, therefore it should carry a right of appeal. I also said that if this case went to an independent appeal tribunal the chair would be asked to decide whether the appellant provided the information to enable a correct decision to be made. If they did then any incorrect decision on entitlement would be the fault of the Revenue, not the customer. Would they also assess whether the client should have known they were overpaid? Hmmm....

I have told them that if they do not refer this appeal to a tribunal I will complain to the MP. I have had a number of overpayments refunded and compensation paid to the clients by going to the MP. But the only long-term solution is to give the right of appeal against overpayment decisions as opposed to decisions on entitlement.

I was pleased to hear that CPAG is considering challenging the legality of recovering overpayments while the client is disputing the decision. The DWP has always suspended recovery in this situation. I just hope that the Government does not decide to change the DWP rules instead of the Revenue rules.

What a nightmare!




Top Working Tax Credit & Child Tax Credit topic #1210First topic | Last topic