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Top Housing Benefit & Council Tax Benefit topic #6926

Subject: "Capital or income?" First topic | Last topic

benefit manager,, housing 21 housing association, selby
Member since
10th Jun 2005

Capital or income?
Wed 30-Jul-08 10:57 AM


Just a quick question.

Client in receipt of a War Disablement Pension which is disregarded in full for HB purposes meaning he has entitlement to full HB and CTB. He has been arguing with Service Personnel and Veterans Agency for the last 5 years about the amount he was awarded.

Anyway, his case finally went to tribunal last week. Tribunal agreed with client and increased his award and backdated the increased award for 5 years which has resulted in a backdated lump sum and also an award of compensation which totals approx £60K

Is anyone able to confirm how the LA should treat the £60K backdated award, is it treated as capital, which would then result in him no longer being eligible for HB or should it be treated as backdated income which would be disregarded anyway thus meaning he will still be entitled to HB?





Replies to this topic
RE: Capital or income?, jutucker, 01st Aug 2008, #1
RE: Capital or income?, johnrob, 01st Aug 2008, #2
      RE: Capital or income?, pboyd, 01st Aug 2008, #3
           RE: Capital or income?, nevip, 01st Aug 2008, #4


Welfare Benefits Adviser, Shelter Cymru
Member since
30th Apr 2008

RE: Capital or income?
Fri 01-Aug-08 02:06 PM

Have a look at Shelter's Guide to HB and CTB 2008/09. Page 227 explains it all.




benefit manager,, housing 21 housing association, selby
Member since
10th Jun 2005

RE: Capital or income?
Fri 01-Aug-08 02:32 PM

It does indeed! Thanks for the pointer






Legally Qualified Panel Member-Sitting Part-time, Tribunal Service - Wales & West
Member since
17th Jul 2008

RE: Capital or income?
Fri 01-Aug-08 02:55 PM

If the non-disregarded arrears were put into a trust fund is it not arguable that they are "derived from a payment made in consequence of any personal injury" ?

Philip Boyd




welfare rights adviser, sefton metropolitan borough council, liverpool.
Member since
22nd Jan 2004

RE: Capital or income?
Fri 01-Aug-08 03:06 PM

I was wondering about that!



Top Housing Benefit & Council Tax Benefit topic #6926First topic | Last topic