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Top Other benefit issues topic #2913

Subject: "widows pension, need to sign on for j.s.a ?" First topic | Last topic

Welfare Benefits Case-Worker, Maidstone Citizens Advice, Kent
Member since
02nd Nov 2004

widows pension, need to sign on for j.s.a ?
Mon 20-Aug-07 09:25 AM

top of the week to all and only i ...

have a cl. whose husband passed away 1997, she was aged 48 at the time. now receives widows pension (wp) of £73.13 pw, but is also signing on for j.s.a so she receives her stamp.

however, cl. wrote off for her state pension (sp) forecast, and it appears she has paid all her stamp in full (or late husband did) because ps have stated she would recieve £87.30 precsently, but £89.58 when she reaches pension age on 01/06/09.

cl. being hassled by jcp to find work due to signing on but i feel cl. no longer needs to do this because :
she will receive wp until pension age.
she has a full stamp record so sp not affected.

could someone confirm this is correct for me.

the only prob i can see with cl. closing her claim for j.s.a is that if she did wish to work she would lose any entitlement to 50 + element of w.t.c.

cl. receives h.b / c.t.b and i have ensured this in order.

well, thanx for any responses and have a tickityboo week.



Top Other benefit issues topic #2913First topic | Last topic