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welfare rights officer, east dunbartonshire council
Member since
22nd Jan 2004

Giving out advice
Mon 06-Feb-06 01:06 PM

Has anyone heard of an organisation called TaxHelp for Older People (T.O.P.)? Apparently, they were set up as a pilot scheme by the Low Incomes Tax Reform Group of the Chartered Institute of Taxation.
They are currently soliciting local authorities in Scotland (our own being East Dunbartonshire)advertising their Helpline and stating that anyone over 60 should contact them for totally independent advice with any matter relating to tax. Anyone any experience of this organisation?

Tony Martin



Replies to this topic
RE: Giving out advice, alban, 06th Feb 2006, #1
RE: Giving out advice, Andy P, 08th Feb 2006, #2
RE: Giving out advice, zoe, 16th Feb 2006, #3
RE: Giving out advice, JohnA, 17th Feb 2006, #4
RE: Giving out advice, bmenadm, 20th Feb 2006, #5


Income Project Officer, Age Concern England, Norbury
Member since
27th Jan 2004

RE: Giving out advice
Mon 06-Feb-06 01:26 PM

Yes, I've come accross THOP in the South West and Midlands where they have been offering advice sessions at various local Age Concern offices. Their advisers are volunteers so geographical coverage is a bit patchy, but I've only ever heard good things about the quality of their service.
We also inlude details of their helpline (0845 601 3321) on our tax factsheets. They have a website http://www.taxvol.org.uk/




Andy P

Welfare Benefits Advisor - Volunteer, Age Concern Dorchester
Member since
26th May 2005

RE: Giving out advice
Wed 08-Feb-06 09:43 AM

Hi ya, just to echo Alban, i've heard similar stuff. They actually originate in West Dorset and although their PO Box number is Dorchester, the actual HQ's location fulfills every stereotype about West Dorset (assuming anyone's been there or watched Hugh Wotsit on River Cottage).

I visited it once (the HQ), and the sound of Cows was deafening and as for the beauty of the location, whoops this is beginning to sound like a tourism promo (but hey i'm Cornish, lived in East London, worked in South London, so i'm prone to flight's of fancy).

Anyway back to Planet Rightsnet - i know one of their leading lights Paddy Milliard is involved with the Low Incomes Tax Reform Group - www.litrg.org.uk, and i'm pretty sure you will find stuff on them on that website.





advisor/administrator, age concern suffolk
Member since
11th Oct 2004

RE: Giving out advice
Thu 16-Feb-06 03:53 PM

Hi Tony - we have also used TOPs in Suffolk, and like Alban have only had positive feedback about them.




Chairman, Low Incomes Tax Reform Group
Member since
18th Mar 2004

RE: Giving out advice
Fri 17-Feb-06 03:54 PM


I am Chairman of the Low Incomes Tax Reform Group (LITRG) and we set up TOP as pilot schemes in Dorset and Wolverhampton. We received a lot of co-operation from Age Concern to do so. We did this to prove to the Revenue that there was a demand amongst low income pensioners for good, independent and free tax advice.

The pilots clearly showed that. We then went on to fund raise with the early primary support from the Chartered Institute of Taxation and the Nuffield Foundation. We even managed to persuade the Revenue to contribute.

It became so successful through the leadership of Paddy Millard that we floated it off as an independent charity in 2004. They have successfully fund-raised to enable them to go national.

All the people giving tax advice are tax professionals providing advice on a voluntary basis, there are over 300 now.

They do a very good job. They also provide LITRG with their collected issues and we seek to get the law or practice changed so as to benefit the low income pensioner even further.




Advice Session Supervisor, Ballymena CAB
Member since
17th Aug 2005

RE: Giving out advice
Mon 20-Feb-06 09:18 AM

Hi John

Are there any advisers in Northern Ireland?



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