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Top Incapacity related benefits topic #2704

Subject: "Waiting period for new claim after losing an Incapacity for Work Appeal" First topic | Last topic

Advisor, South West Lancashire Independent Community Advice
Member since
15th May 2007

Waiting period for new claim after losing an Incapacity for Work Appeal
Mon 17-Mar-08 12:14 PM


I know that there is a six month waiting time to make a new claim for Incapacity Benefit after beeing deemed fit to work if there has not been a detioriation in the condition of the claimant.

However, after losing an appeal is the six month wait from the date of the original decision or the date of the appeal?

If a client wants to makes a new claim straight away losing an appeal is it best to claim JSA while they ask their GP if they will provide a sick note? I am concerned that if they claim Incapacity Benefit and the doctor will not supply a sick note that they may not get their first payment of JSA in time.




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welfare rights adviser, sefton metropolitan borough council, liverpool.
Member since
22nd Jan 2004

RE: Waiting period for new claim after losing an Incapacity for Work Appeal
Wed 19-Mar-08 11:31 AM

The effective date is the date of the original decision and not the date of the tribunal decision. A person can make another claim within the 6-month period without a deterioration or new condition but will not be paid unless they subsequently pass a new PCA. Benefit would then be backdated to the date of the new claim. A person will have to claim JSA until they can get a sick note opening up a new period of incapacity for work.



Top Incapacity related benefits topic #2704First topic | Last topic