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Top Disability related benefits topic #133

Subject: "income support" First topic | Last topic

family support worker, south lakeland support group of disabled children
Member since
20th Jan 2004

income support
Fri 13-Feb-04 03:42 PM

i have a client who just missed out on keeping his s.d.a because of his age. Istead he was put on i.b. while he was recieving s.d.a he was also getting i.s., now that he is on i.b. he does not get any i.s. so misses out on getting free presciptions as well as other things he could claim while he was getting i.s. my question is can he still claim i.s. any advice will be greatly recieved thanks.



Replies to this topic

penny newell

Freelance welfare rights consultant and trainer, Training Benefits, London
Member since
02nd Feb 2004

RE: income support
Mon 01-Mar-04 11:39 AM

I would like to answer your query but need more info.
How old is this person?
Was he getting severe disablment allowance in Aprill 2001 when it was abolished?
How much incapacity benefit is he getting at the moment?
Is he getting any disability living allowance?
Basically I always look to see can I get someone premiums to bring them into income support. If not he will need to ask for help with prescriptions etc
either by low income
or his particular illness so he is exempt from paying.



Top Disability related benefits topic #133First topic | Last topic