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Top Housing Benefit & Council Tax Benefit topic #1235

Subject: "Ineligible items - Food charges" First topic | Last topic

Supported Housing Consultant, Bosworth Kline Ltd Darlington
Member since
30th Dec 2004

Ineligible items - Food charges
Mon 14-Feb-05 07:37 AM

Could somebody please clarify something for me please..

As per Schedule 1 (ineligible charges) a reduction of £13.20 per week should be made within the rent of an claimant who receives part board, £19.85 for full board etc.

However if a service provided to that claimant provides part board at a real cost of £16.00 per week would the remaining £2.80 be eligible to be paid as an eligible service charge???

Your response would be greatly appreciated.



Replies to this topic
RE: Ineligible items - Food charges, Kevin D, 14th Feb 2005, #1
RE: Ineligible items - Food charges, keysey2, 15th Feb 2005, #2
      RE: Ineligible items - Food charges, bieldwro, 16th Feb 2005, #3
           RE: Ineligible items - Food charges, keysey2, 20th Feb 2005, #4

Kevin D

Freelance HB & CTB Consultant/Trainer, Hertfordshire
Member since
20th Jan 2004

RE: Ineligible items - Food charges
Mon 14-Feb-05 09:10 AM

With food charges, the deductions are standard and absolute, irrespective of the real cost. There is no provision to vary the deduction. Same schedule applies as quoted by you.





Supported Housing Consultant, Bosworth Kline Ltd Darlington
Member since
30th Dec 2004

RE: Ineligible items - Food charges
Tue 15-Feb-05 01:10 PM

Thanks Kevin much appreciated,

I realise that there is no provision to vary the deduction, however is the remainder of the actual food charges eligible to be met by HB if the real cost is over and above the threshold or does this have to be met by tenant?





welfare rights officer, Bield Housing Association Limited, Glasgow
Member since
12th Jul 2004

RE: Ineligible items - Food charges
Wed 16-Feb-05 01:10 PM

Once the deduction is made then the remainder of the charge is eligible for HB. There is no fixed limit on this other than the general provisions of reasonableness as HB can ask for a justification of the meals charges. We have been operating this way for years with a number of local authorities with only a few problems now and again.




Supported Housing Consultant, Bosworth Kline Ltd Darlington
Member since
30th Dec 2004

RE: Ineligible items - Food charges
Sun 20-Feb-05 08:14 AM

Kind regards for your advice



Top Housing Benefit & Council Tax Benefit topic #1235First topic | Last topic