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Subject: "Income Tax/Inland Revenue/NICs" First topic | Last topic

Senior Welfare Rights Officer, prescot & whiston community advice centre
Member since
13th Apr 2004

Income Tax/Inland Revenue/NICs
Thu 15-Sep-05 09:51 AM

Hi folks

Not really used to dealing with Income Tax and am a bit over my head with this.....anyone help?

Cl was self employed up until Feb '04 when she suffered what she describes as mental meltdown. She has been signing sick and receiving IS/DLA/Child Tax Credits since then. She is on high rate personal care of DLA and has an enhanced care package with the Community Mental Health Team because she is a high risk of suicide.

She doesn't open letters, she doesnt deal with "authority" So when I visited her in early August 05 I obtained her signed consent for me to act on her behalf and wrote to the Tax Credits (they had stopped paying CTC for her son, but there was no change in circs), Inland Revenue (she hadnt returned here 04/05 Self Assessment Form) and DWP (needed written confirmation of her DLA award for H.B. purposes).

I explained in full to each dept the serious nature of her illness, the difficulties she has in dealing with correspondence and asked each one to write to me or send me copies of any correspondence they sent to my cl. Only the DWP have bothered.
Inland Revenue wrote directly to client demanding £202.85 for late return of 03/04 self assessment form. Client has no clue whether she sent that form back or what her earnings/income were for that period. Can't remember her accountants name/address. Telephoned the IR to ask why they had chosen to override my client's request for someone to advocate on her behalf. Surprise surprise they dont have the authorisation on their system despite processing the 04/05 self assessment form which had my letters stapled to it!

She has also received a summons from the Inland Revenue for non payment of Class 2 NICs which shows an incorrect amount on it. But according to the IR that's ok because she owes them something and any judgement wont affect her credit rating.
Where can I go from here?


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