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Top Other benefit issues topic #47

Subject: "asylum and permission to work" First topic | Last topic

Charter member

asylum and permission to work
Tue 17-Feb-04 08:19 AM

from hansard 15 january ...

'The European directive on reception standards for asylum seekers comes into force in February 2005. At that time asylum seekers who have waited more than one year for an initial decision on their claim will be able to seek permission to work.'

in the meantime ...

'Although the employment concession for asylum seekers was abolished on 23 July 2002 we retain discretion to allow asylum seekers to work. The discretion is exercised sparingly but might be appropriate in cases where an asylum seeker has, through no fault of their own, waited for longer than 12 months for an initial decision on their claim.'




Replies to this topic


Charter member

RE: asylum and permission to work
Wed 19-Jan-05 12:28 PM

Thanks to Ewan Roberts reporting to us that the above link to the hansard report has 'broken down'.

Here is the correct new link -




Top Other benefit issues topic #47First topic | Last topic