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Top Decision Making and Appeals topic #2278

Subject: "CG/1479/1999" First topic | Last topic

Welfare Rights Officer, Welfare Rights Service,Lancashire County Council
Member since
15th Dec 2004

Wed 01-Aug-07 11:49 AM

Anybody got a copy of this CD? CPAG book suggests this may support an argument that not delaying making a decision on one benefit while a decision is pending on a qualifying benefit may be an error of law.

Been referred a case where an IS claim was refused in November 2004. Client had been on IB but for less than 12 months so no DP payable. DLA claim had been made and this had been highlighted on the IS claim form. IS was refused, DLA was subsequently awarded but no follow-up IS claim made. Claim was made by someone who had mental health problems but they had an appointee who claimed on their behalf.

May be a long shot but worth a punt if the above CD offers any support.



Replies to this topic
RE: CG/1479/1999, ken, 01st Aug 2007, #1
RE: CG/1479/1999, GAD, 01st Aug 2007, #2


rightsnet, lasa
Member since
28th Jul 2005

RE: CG/1479/1999
Wed 01-Aug-07 11:59 AM

CG/1479/1999 is available in the commissioner decisions on rightsnet area of toolkit.




Welfare Rights Officer, Welfare Rights Service,Lancashire County Council
Member since
15th Dec 2004

RE: CG/1479/1999
Wed 01-Aug-07 12:02 PM

Thanks Ken. Tried search on Briefcase instead so will know what to do next time.



Top Decision Making and Appeals topic #2278First topic | Last topic