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Top Income Support & Jobseeker's Allowance topic #3744

Subject: "adult learner grant vs JSA- part time student" First topic | Last topic

benefits and income adviser,, Places for People Homes, Yorks/Humber
Member since
14th Feb 2007

adult learner grant vs JSA- part time student
Tue 27-Feb-07 12:16 PM

This is as much of a whinge as a query- but would appreciate if anyone has any suggestions.
22 year old was on ibJSA but is keen to improve her position so has applied for an Access Course 12 hrs a week. Advisers at JCP told her if she did this course she would not be available for the other government training courses she would have to undertake as part of jobseekers agreement so would not be able to stay on JSA but apply for ALG instead. This is max £30 pw and she can't get a JSA top-up. For some reason although she applied in Sept it still hasn't been resolved (am seeing her this pm to try to help) and HB is also held up while they investigate, even though she has supplied proof of her nil income. (Mum is helping out where she can but this isn't going to last much longer.) Rent arrears now over £800.00.
It just seems a prime example of non-joined up government thinking that the Access Course precludes her from JSA even though its only 12 hrs a week and is probably much more use to her than the courses JCP want to send her on. Grrrr.



Replies to this topic
RE: adult learner grant vs JSA- part time student, Andyp3, 27th Feb 2007, #1
RE: adult learner grant vs JSA- part time student, glenys, 28th Feb 2007, #2
      RE: adult learner grant vs JSA- part time student, Paul_Treloar_, 01st Mar 2007, #3
           RE: adult learner grant vs JSA- part time student, nevip, 01st Mar 2007, #4
                RE: adult learner grant vs JSA- part time student, Andyp3, 01st Mar 2007, #5
                     RE: adult learner grant vs JSA- part time student, nevip, 01st Mar 2007, #6
                          RE: adult learner grant vs JSA- part time student, Andyp3, 01st Mar 2007, #7
                               RE: adult learner grant vs JSA- part time student, nevip, 01st Mar 2007, #8


peripetetic volunteer welfare benefits caseworker, North Dorset Disability Information Service
Member since
11th Oct 2006

RE: adult learner grant vs JSA- part time student
Tue 27-Feb-07 01:43 PM

Hi Glenys,

I'm confused and i might have completely misunderstood your posting so if i have ignore me, but anyway i take it you mean an access course as in a gateway to higher education i.e. university, because she doesn't currently have the required qualifications to get into a given college.

Why can't they fit in her access course into a new jobseekers agreement in preference to the other Govt contracted out training courses? Speaking as part welf part JSA claimant, leaving aside if she's successful with the access course she'll be off their books, Access courses appear to carry more kudos with employers than some of the JCP training courses that spring to mind?





benefits and income adviser,, Places for People Homes, Yorks/Humber
Member since
14th Feb 2007

RE: adult learner grant vs JSA- part time student
Wed 28-Feb-07 03:59 PM

No Andy -you haven't misunderstood me- that was my point. Apparently this is what they told her at the JobCentre+ - that if she wanted to do the Access Course (yes- you were right about the sort of course)- that would mean she wouldn't be able to do the things they wanted her to do under the JS Agreement- so she would have to come off JSA. Which as you say is totally daft.
Do you think she has a case for some sort of appeal?




Director of Policy and Services, Disability Alliance, London
Member since
15th Sep 2006

RE: adult learner grant vs JSA- part time student
Thu 01-Mar-07 08:48 AM

You might want to have a chat with Skill the National Bureau for Students with Disabilities. They have an advice line or email service and specialise in this kind of thing.




welfare rights adviser, sefton metropolitan borough council, liverpool.
Member since
22nd Jan 2004

RE: adult learner grant vs JSA- part time student
Thu 01-Mar-07 09:28 AM

What on earth is in her jobseekers agreement that means she cant spend 12 hours per week doing an access course? I've been on JSA and you don't commit yourself to spending all the live long day, 5 days a week, looking for work. I made a commitment to writing so many letters a week, making so many phone calls etc and still did 4 full days a week doing voluntary work, with their full knowledge.




peripetetic volunteer welfare benefits caseworker, North Dorset Disability Information Service
Member since
11th Oct 2006

RE: adult learner grant vs JSA- part time student
Thu 01-Mar-07 11:06 AM


Further to Pauls advice, and answering your question about appeals, well firstly both your client and the JCP worker can propose changes to the jobseekers agreement at any time, if client disagrees, she can request they be referred to a decision maker and if she doesn't agree with that decision she can appeal (read CPAG hand book pages 348 - 375 in particular it will give you and your client some good ideas for formulating a strategy).

Back to Pauls points (he's put it so much more diplomatically than what i'm thinking and what i'd like to post),i don't see why she can't do the access course etc etc either, similarly i'm doing voluntary work for Norddis/Age Concern wotsit its all in my jobseeking wotsit on the basis that it will improve my chances of getting paid work and networking etc etc etc etc.

Would be worth your client trying to negotiate a change first though with the employment office, e.g. the fact your client is doing an access course (which is not exactly a soft option) suggests she doesn't have any A levels, may be she doesn't have many GCSE's too?, but the fact she's doing a Access course suggests she has a lot of the attributes that an employer would want anyway, and an employer would be far more impressed by her doing a course which leads on to higher education, than a JCP training wotsit, so it may be worth putting down on paper (your client presents a short sub to the EO) for the benefit of the employment worker why she's doing the course, what (transferable)skills she's learning, how it is demonstrable proof that she wants to better herself,the impact on her confidence and self esteem, proof that shes motivated, has a sense of purpose, has iniative, open to change/new ideas, she recognises the job market is a competitive place demanding workers continually update their skills hence her drive to get better qualifications than she already has.

Also emphasising the obvious that just because she is studying on an access course doesn't mean she is not actively seeking work, nor does it mean she is not willing and able to take up work immediately.

I better shut up because i can feel mist rising and its not a sea fret, but let us know how your client gets on.





welfare rights adviser, sefton metropolitan borough council, liverpool.
Member since
22nd Jan 2004

RE: adult learner grant vs JSA- part time student
Thu 01-Mar-07 11:15 AM

Nice one Andy, if you don't mind me saying you have summed it up succinctly and I agree with you completely and the day we stop getting angry is the day we stop becoming effective. All power to you.





peripetetic volunteer welfare benefits caseworker, North Dorset Disability Information Service
Member since
11th Oct 2006

RE: adult learner grant vs JSA- part time student
Thu 01-Mar-07 12:56 PM

Gissus a job, my dad's part of the Scouse diaspora! Whilst i'm a Torquay United supporter, Everton's my second choice. Actually their 3rd, Weymouth's my 2nd choice. Supporting dysfunctional clubs sounds like a confessional.

Having said that i've got a interview for a welfs job on the 13th, so i'll better lie i say i'm in love with Yeovil Town.




welfare rights adviser, sefton metropolitan borough council, liverpool.
Member since
22nd Jan 2004

RE: adult learner grant vs JSA- part time student
Thu 01-Mar-07 01:04 PM

Good luck mate! I'll keep everything crossed for you!



Top Income Support & Jobseeker's Allowance topic #3744First topic | Last topic