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Top Disability related benefits topic #539

Subject: "Industrial injuries benefit and organophosphate poisoning" First topic | Last topic

service manager, East Sussex Disability Association
Member since
02nd Aug 2004

Industrial injuries benefit and organophosphate poisoning
Mon 02-Aug-04 03:06 PM


I have an appeal coming up where the EMP has assessed that the client does not have the prescribed disease PDC3 (organophosphate poisoning). He refers to a sheet that sets out details of the criteria for diagnosing PDC3. Does anyone know what this is or can anyone suggest helpful reference material to go to? The medical assessment framework doesn't help much at all.....



Replies to this topic
RE: Industrial injuries benefit and organophosphate poisoning, ruth, 02nd Aug 2004, #1
RE: Industrial injuries benefit and organophosphate poisoning, BRIANO, 16th Sep 2004, #2
      RE: Industrial injuries benefit and organophosphate poisoning, deni_esda, 21st Sep 2004, #3


Volunteer adviser, Corby Citizens Advice Bureau
Member since
20th Jan 2004

RE: Industrial injuries benefit and organophosphate poisoning
Mon 02-Aug-04 06:33 PM

Take a look at the Report of the Industrial Injuries Advisory Committee at http://www.iiac.org.uk/reports/CM5395.pdf pages 18 & 19. Also put "organophosphate poisoning" into your search engine; you'll get more information than you can handle.




welfare rights officer, barnsley welfare rights
Member since
06th Aug 2004

RE: Industrial injuries benefit and organophosphate poisoning
Thu 16-Sep-04 03:24 PM

PDC3 is a legal condition derived from the medical condition.
For a claiment to have C3 they must have worked in an occupation in which they were involved in "The use or handling of, or exposure to the fumes, dust or vapour of phosphorus or a poisoning due to the anti-cholinesterase or containing phosphorus".

Organophosphate poisoning from any cause other than above is the medical condition but is not PDC3.




service manager, East Sussex Disability Association
Member since
02nd Aug 2004

RE: Industrial injuries benefit and organophosphate poisoning
Tue 21-Sep-04 08:42 AM

thanks for the response. the appeal is done and dusted with client firstly successful in demonstrating that he had PDC3 and then succeeding in establishing a percentage disablement of 55%. to be honest I was more concerned that a particular assessment schedule was refered to by the EMP report but not presented in the papers and that's what I was asking for info about....

the appeal took 18 months to resolve because the EMP had requested the client's medical records and information from his specialist. however at the appeal, we just simply ran through the medical records the EMP had had access to when refusing to diagnose PDC3 and the tribunal (obviously) managed to come to a very different conclusion



Top Disability related benefits topic #539First topic | Last topic