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editorial director, rightsnet
Member since
28th Jul 2005

benefit info in translation
Fri 27-Jan-06 10:00 AM

we've been talking with Steve Lee, Carers London Manager @ Carers UK, about what welfare benefit information is available online in minority ethnic community languages

(plus Steve's also interested in translated information relating to community care and carers services)

what we'd like to do is look at building a set of links for us all to the translated info that's already available online ... and would therefore be interested to know if you produce stuff yourselves, or are aware of others that do

(... we'd also be interested, even if the info's not currently online since, if you have it in electronic form, we could look at publishing it on your behalf)

let us know what you think?



Replies to this topic
RE: benefit info in translation, alban, 27th Jan 2006, #2
RE: benefit info in translation, paul_moorhouse, 20th Feb 2006, #3
RE: benefit info in translation, Sanat, 21st Feb 2006, #4
      RE: benefit info in translation, alban, 21st Feb 2006, #5
RE: benefit info in translation, Theresa, 22nd Feb 2006, #6
RE: benefit info in translation, shawn, 23rd Feb 2006, #7
      RE: benefit info in translation, Lin, 24th Feb 2006, #8
           RE: benefit info in translation, shawn, 03rd Mar 2006, #9


Income Project Officer, Age Concern England, Norbury
Member since
27th Jan 2004

RE: benefit info in translation
Fri 27-Jan-06 10:47 AM

Age Concern England produce a range of in-depth factsheets and shorter, Q&A style, information sheets, and we've decided it is more appropriate to provide translated info sheets rather than factsheets.
IS21 a basic guide to AA & DLA is available in Bengali, Gujarati, Hindi, Punjabi, Turkish and Urdu from this page

This is the only one so far but we intend to do more




welfare rights co-ordinator, bristol cc welfare rights and money advice
Member since
29th Jul 2004

RE: benefit info in translation
Mon 20-Feb-06 05:13 PM

Alban, I went to the link but couldn't (even after looking further on your website, eg via the link entitled 'fact sheets by number') find an English version. This looks like its is a useful resource, but before using it I'd like to know what it is that we are giving clients! Can you supply an English text or point me to the link I missed?




Welfare Rights Officer, Tameside Metropolitan Borough Council, Ashton-unde
Member since
03rd Mar 2004

RE: benefit info in translation
Tue 21-Feb-06 12:07 PM

I have been one of the most skilled/experienced interpreter/translator (with final diploma) in our town. I looked at the Age Concern's translated pages and read the AA/DLA translation in Gujarati. It is poorly written(script) and poorly translated version.




Income Project Officer, Age Concern England, Norbury
Member since
27th Jan 2004

RE: benefit info in translation
Tue 21-Feb-06 04:45 PM

Hi Paul and Sanat
firstly the link I gave takes you to the page for Information Sheet 21 in all available languages. The English version is in the download box on the right upperside of the page and the six translated versions are downloadable from the centre of the page (the website has recently been re-designed to this format -- I will pass your comment on to our web team).
Sanat I'm surprised by your comments. The job was tendered to a number of reputable translation agencies, and we circulated samples of each agency's work to speakers of each language for comments before going ahead. It would be helpful if you could email me some more explanation of what's wrong with it alban.hawksworth@ace.org.uk
Thanks for your help





Information Manager, Advice Services Alliance Advicenow, London
Member since
22nd Feb 2006

RE: benefit info in translation
Wed 22-Feb-06 11:18 AM


Have you had any contact with FRILLS at Camden Library Service? They publish a directory of leaflet suppliers which includes an index of organisations who produce information in languages other than English. This might be a useful place to start!






editorial director, rightsnet
Member since
28th Jul 2005

RE: benefit info in translation
Thu 23-Feb-06 08:53 AM

cheers theresa ...

came across some tax credit posters too this morning, on adviceni's site @





Welfare Benefits Service Co-ordinator, National Deaf Children's Society
Member since
02nd Sep 2004

RE: benefit info in translation
Fri 24-Feb-06 01:54 PM

The National Deaf CHildren's Society have translated factsheets available by post or on our Website.


link to documents on the right hand side of the page.




editorial director, rightsnet
Member since
28th Jul 2005

RE: benefit info in translation
Fri 03-Mar-06 12:59 PM

contact a family has a tax credit guide in 4 languages @




Top Other benefit issues topic #1749First topic | Last topic