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Subject: "Electronic benefit maximisers/calculators" First topic | Last topic

Service Development Manager, Bolton Dist Citizens Advice Bureau
Member since
20th Jan 2004

Electronic benefit maximisers/calculators
Wed 24-Aug-05 02:00 PM


I am sure thius must have been the subject of discussion before but here goes.

We are looking for help in deciding on a package to use for our open door 'drop in' services. We are a pretty normal CAB in terms of numbers and types of enquiry. The open door service is staffed predominantly by volunteers who range widely in experise and experience. The paid specialist staff maily use quickcalc as it is free, web based and good provided you have a very firm grasp of the benefits system.

As mentioned we are looking for a package to assist the volunteers with working through the process of maximising income. There was one package produced by Ferret that we thought was very good and pitched at the right level. However it was relatively expensive. Can anyone help out with any suggestions?

We looked around at the free web based ones but felt that a lot of knowledge was required to operate them.

Another package we have looked at is called SQ_Factor although doesnt appear widely known. Is anyone familiar with that package? Would it be useful for our specific need?



Replies to this topic
RE: Electronic benefit maximisers/calculators, bensup, 24th Aug 2005, #1
RE: Electronic benefit maximisers/calculators, mike shermer, 24th Aug 2005, #2
RE: Electronic benefit maximisers/calculators, dave_p, 25th Aug 2005, #3
RE: Electronic benefit maximisers/calculators, rwilkinson, 26th Aug 2005, #4


Benefits Supervisor, Barrow-in-Furness, Cumbria Citizens Advice Bureau
Member since
24th May 2004

RE: Electronic benefit maximisers/calculators
Wed 24-Aug-05 02:55 PM

We use the Quick Benefit calculator from Lisson Grove. Our volunteers use it too and don't seem to have too many problems.

If you contact them on 01273 711 736 or e-mail help@lissongrovebenefits.co.uk they will send you a trial disc.



mike shermer

Welfare Benefits Officer, Kings Lynn & West Norfolk Borough Council, Kings l
Member since
23rd Jan 2004

RE: Electronic benefit maximisers/calculators
Wed 24-Aug-05 02:55 PM

Have a quick word with jon Blackwell at lissom Grove - (01273 711 736)I don't know if they do a trial version - we have used their Quick Benefits calculator for some three years now and find it easy to pick up and use - the printouts you get are easy to understand particularly when compared with the average LA or DWP award letter. It now does calcs to show the effect of deferring state pension on various other benefits. OK, so it costs - but for a CAB is very reasonable compared with some others...

Note - We have no commercial or other interests in promoting this product - honest guv




immigration solicitor, bury law centre
Member since
15th Jun 2005

RE: Electronic benefit maximisers/calculators
Thu 25-Aug-05 10:53 AM

I have always used the Ferret Mancalc calculator and found it very good. Don't recall it being that expensive for what you get




Service Development Manager, Bolton Dist Citizens Advice Bureau
Member since
20th Jan 2004

RE: Electronic benefit maximisers/calculators
Fri 26-Aug-05 08:07 AM

Yes Ferret's Mancalc calculator is very good at calculating and cheap but i felt that the user required an in depth knowledge of welfare benefits to ensure they knew which field to complete and which boxes to check. The ferret product we looked at was not the calculator but i think was called 'Income Maximiser' which is far more sophistcated and takes the user through the process with a series of questions and suggested what enetitlments may arise in addition to calculating how much.

Still no one familiar with SQ_factor made by Bath computing?



Top Other benefit issues topic #1283First topic | Last topic