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Top Incapacity related benefits topic #2897

Subject: "ESA Linking Periods" First topic | Last topic

Benefit Adviser / Trainer, Welfare Benefits Unit, York
Member since
12th Sep 2007

ESA Linking Periods
Thu 08-May-08 02:09 PM

Whle I was here.......
1. you may already know this but just in case! The basic linking period has been increased to 12 weeks.

2. in the 104 week linking period there is a very interesting phrase "in the most recent past period of limited capacity for work". The words I can understand the application is not so clear. Does this mean the last period of time when there was an active ESA claim OR if there has been a series of linked claims, bearing in mind these make a continuous claim, is it the conglomerated claims?
As an adviser/advocate you'd go for which suited best of course. Views on what the DWP line will be....

Keep smiling


Top Incapacity related benefits topic #2897First topic | Last topic