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Top Other benefit issues topic #3000

Subject: "poles & child benefit" First topic | Last topic
claire hodgson

Solicitor, Askews Solicitors, Thornaby, Stockton on Tees
Member since
17th May 2005

poles & child benefit
Sun 23-Sep-07 07:02 AM

just seen this on the bbc:


thought you all might be interested.....



Replies to this topic
RE: poles & child benefit, shaun, 24th Sep 2007, #1
RE: poles & child benefit, Anselmo, 24th Sep 2007, #2
      RE: poles & child benefit, mike shermer, 25th Sep 2007, #3
RE: poles & child benefit, Martin_Williams, 25th Sep 2007, #4


finance manager, welfare benefits group, social se, leeds city council
Member since
22nd Jan 2004

RE: poles & child benefit
Mon 24-Sep-07 08:38 AM

As usual they are mixing together the issues of the right to claim benefit and fraud. Therefore in this case all polish claimants are fraudsters. Don't Brits claim when they are abroad. That font of all wisdom, Metro, ran a story regarding a recent judgement for a Brit to be paid UK rate of jsa in Bulgaria. It then went on to list the highlife you could have in Bulgaria on £59 a week. No Daily Mail headline or story on News 24zzzzz yet then.

"Brit Blags Bulgarian Booty"





Income Recovery Advisor, Longhurst Homes - Boston, Lincolnshire
Member since
31st May 2007

RE: poles & child benefit
Mon 24-Sep-07 09:20 AM

Just to be clear - was it actually a German who "Blagged Bulgarian Booty"? (See link to Metro article below) - Though you're absolutely right of course that the same would apply to a Brit, and this is the other side of the EU coin that the Mail et al don't appear to recognise whatsoever.




mike shermer

Welfare Benefits Officer, Kings Lynn & West Norfolk Borough Council, Kings l
Member since
23rd Jan 2004

RE: poles & child benefit
Tue 25-Sep-07 07:45 AM

In stead of running stories which have only been partially researched, some of our press would be better exposing the scandal of the doorstep loan company who charge an APR of 179% - I had a flyer thtough my letterbox over the weekend - and there it was - in inch high charecters - 179% - all above board, all legal and they are liciensed..
These companies deliberately target those people who they know would never get a loan of any description from anywhere else because they've got a zero credit rating and CCJ's by the handful.......




Appeals Representative, London Advice Services Alliance- london
Member since
21st Jan 2004

RE: poles & child benefit
Tue 25-Sep-07 10:32 AM

This bit is interesting:

"Eastern European migrant workers have limited access on arrival to the welfare state, other than to child benefit which is a universal payment. "

No it isn't. Read Reg 23(4) of the Child Benefit (General) Regulations 2006. Eastern European migrant workers who lose their jobs and have worked less than a year lose their child benefit as well.

Thanks BBC for another programme about foreign benefit scroungers.

Couldn't they do a story on how the fact these people can't get benefits is what drives them to jobs where they undercut British wages etc and actually equal access to benefit system is better for British workers too? Or a story about the Polish worker who falls off a ladder after working 9 months and who then gets nothing from the British state? Perhaps if such stories were told then we wouldn't need to have Brown with his British jobs for British workers nationalistic nonsense.

Sorry.... rant over.



Top Other benefit issues topic #3000First topic | Last topic