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Top Incapacity related benefits topic #1547

Subject: "DWP Appeal (Incapacity Benefit & Learning Disabilities)" First topic | Last topic

Student Social Worker, Selby District Advocacy
Member since
04th Jul 2006

DWP Appeal (Incapacity Benefit & Learning Disabilities)
Tue 04-Jul-06 12:42 PM


I work for an Advocacy Agency in Selby, North Yorkshire and am writing to bring your attention to a welfare benefits appeal which recently affected one of our clients. Fortunately our client won the appeal, but I have concerns that the position from the DWP may affect many other people in our client’s position. I am therefore writing as a way of bringing this issue to a wider forum, as knowing that the decision has been successfully appealed may assist someone else in a similar situation.

By way of background, our client is a young man (18-25) with a learning disability who lives with a carer as part of an Adult Placement Scheme (APS). However, for thirty-eight weeks of the year he attends residential college which is funded (directly to the college) by the Learning and Skills Council. The advocacy role with the client involved supporting him and his APS carer through an appeals process, whereby they had contested a decision by the DWP to withdraw incapacity benefit in respect of periods of residence at college.

The DWP argued that the funding our client received for his residential course was a ‘training allowance’, because it covered his accommodation and food (despite our client following a 24 hour curriculum). Therefore using the definition of ‘training allowance’ in ‘Overlapping Benefits Regulations’, DWP argued that our client’s incapacity benefit ‘overlapped’ funding for his residential course and withdrew the benefit, leaving our client with only disability living allowance to live off. This meant that he was unable to pay his Adult Placement Fees, which had been calculated over a 52 week period by social services (and when not at college) was in danger of presenting homeless. At appeal we argued that the DWP were misapplying the regulations and the appeal tribunal agreed and reinstated our client’s incapacity benefit.

In a wider context this case is a concern because although the original decision to withdraw incapacity benefit was made at a local level, it was underpinned by a specialist decision maker in DWP’s national office (part of the Adjudication and Constitutional Issues Division). So the worry is that if DWP roll out this decision nationally it could mean that people with learning disabilities are deterred from going to college, because they could lose their benefits, which seems discriminatory.

Unfortunately our agency does not have much experience in relation to welfare benefits and I am aware that I have presented a rather simplistic view of the legal arguments. However I do have the relevant appeal papers, including the statement from DWP’s Specialist Decision Maker and the Appeal Tribunal’s ‘Statement of Reason’s’, explaining why they overturned the decision and my client is happy for me to anonymise these documents so that they can be shared with others. I have also brought this case to the attention of the Learning and Skills Council as it revolves around how their funding is interpreted by the DWP.

I hope that you find this information useful.

Best regards

Lindsey (Student Social Worker)
Selby District Advocacy



Replies to this topic
RE: DWP Appeal (Incapacity Benefit & Learning Disabilities), andy p2, 05th Jul 2006, #1
RE: DWP Appeal (Incapacity Benefit & Learning Disabilities), andy p2, 10th Jul 2006, #2
RE: DWP Appeal (Incapacity Benefit & Learning Disabilities), axm, 10th Jul 2006, #3
RE: DWP Appeal (Incapacity Benefit & Learning Disabilities), bensup, 11th Jul 2006, #4
      RE: DWP Appeal (Incapacity Benefit & Learning Disabilities), andy p2, 12th Jul 2006, #5
      RE: DWP Appeal (Incapacity Benefit & Learning Disabilities), lindsey, 17th Jul 2006, #7
           RE: DWP Appeal (Incapacity Benefit & Learning Disabilities), bensup, 17th Jul 2006, #8
RE: DWP Appeal (Incapacity Benefit & Learning Disabilities), Semitone, 12th Jul 2006, #6
RE: DWP Appeal (Incapacity Benefit & Learning Disabilities), ska, 18th Jul 2006, #9
RE: DWP Appeal (Incapacity Benefit & Learning Disabilities), ska, 18th Jul 2006, #10
RE: DWP Appeal (Incapacity Benefit & Learning Disabilities), Chris K, 18th Jul 2006, #11
RE: DWP Appeal (Incapacity Benefit & Learning Disabilities), Margie, 19th Jul 2006, #12
RE: DWP Appeal (Incapacity Benefit & Learning Disabilities), Tonto, 19th Jul 2006, #13
RE: DWP Appeal (Incapacity Benefit & Learning Disabilities), Linda W, 21st Jul 2006, #14
RE: DWP Appeal (Incapacity Benefit & Learning Disabilities), lindsey, 24th Jul 2006, #15

andy p2

Welfare benefits case worker, Disability Wessex
Member since
17th Jan 2006

RE: DWP Appeal (Incapacity Benefit & Learning Disabilities)
Wed 05-Jul-06 09:21 AM

Hi Lindsey, i'm really interested, could i have copies of the above please.Here's my contact details -

Andy Pennington
Disability Wessex
GF, Unit5, Stratfield Saye
20 - 22 Wellington Road



andy p2

Welfare benefits case worker, Disability Wessex
Member since
17th Jan 2006

RE: DWP Appeal (Incapacity Benefit & Learning Disabilities)
Mon 10-Jul-06 08:51 AM

thanks i've only just got it so had no time to read it.





Newcastle Law Centre, Newcastle Law Centre
Member since
03rd Mar 2006

RE: DWP Appeal (Incapacity Benefit & Learning Disabilities)
Mon 10-Jul-06 01:31 PM

I am also interseted and would be grateful if youcould foward me the documents refered in your posting to Andy Malik , Newcastle Law Centre,1st Floor, 1 Charlotte Square, Newcastle, NE1 4XF Tel: 0191 230477 Fax; 0191 2330295 Many Thanks




Benefits Supervisor, Barrow-in-Furness, Cumbria Citizens Advice Bureau
Member since
24th May 2004

RE: DWP Appeal (Incapacity Benefit & Learning Disabilities)
Tue 11-Jul-06 11:19 AM

Me too please!!

Fax: 01229 830379

Many thanks




andy p2

Welfare benefits case worker, Disability Wessex
Member since
17th Jan 2006

RE: DWP Appeal (Incapacity Benefit & Learning Disabilities)
Wed 12-Jul-06 12:01 PM

I've read it now, really useful thanks Lindsey.





Student Social Worker, Selby District Advocacy
Member since
04th Jul 2006

RE: DWP Appeal (Incapacity Benefit & Learning Disabilities)
Mon 17-Jul-06 09:19 AM

please would you send me your address. thankyou




Benefits Supervisor, Barrow-in-Furness, Cumbria Citizens Advice Bureau
Member since
24th May 2004

RE: DWP Appeal (Incapacity Benefit & Learning Disabilities)
Mon 17-Jul-06 09:55 AM

Nicky Brown
Citizens Advice Bureau
Ramsden Hall
LA14 5QW





welfare rights officer, Redcar & Cleveland Welfare Rights
Member since
22nd Jan 2004

RE: DWP Appeal (Incapacity Benefit & Learning Disabilities)
Wed 12-Jul-06 01:55 PM

Hi Lindsey could you send me a copy also.
Fax 01642 771297
or Tony Wright
Welfare Rights
Redcar & Cleveland House
Kirkleatham Street
TS10 1RT





Welfare Rights Officer, Adult & Community Services, ndependent Living Centre, The Link Centre, Oldham,
Member since
18th Jul 2006

RE: DWP Appeal (Incapacity Benefit & Learning Disabilities)
Tue 18-Jul-06 09:15 AM

Hi Lindsey, I have just read the case and found it interesting and can be useful in future work. Could you send me a copy of casepapers please....





Welfare Rights Officer, Adult & Community Services, ndependent Living Centre, The Link Centre, Oldham,
Member since
18th Jul 2006

RE: DWP Appeal (Incapacity Benefit & Learning Disabilities)
Tue 18-Jul-06 09:26 AM

s..o..r..r..y Lindsey, Here is my address:

Welfare Rights Team
Adult & Community Services Department
The Link Centre
OL1 1DZ.



Chris K

Welfare Benefits Adviser, Down's Syndrome Association, London
Member since
30th May 2006

RE: DWP Appeal (Incapacity Benefit & Learning Disabilities)
Tue 18-Jul-06 03:21 PM

Hi Lindsey

I'd be really interested to see this case too. If you could send to:

Chris Katic
Down's Syndrome Association
Langdon Down Centre
2A Langdon Park
TW11 9PS

Thanks a lot!




Senior Welfare Rights Officer, prescot & whiston community advice centre
Member since
13th Apr 2004

RE: DWP Appeal (Incapacity Benefit & Learning Disabilities)
Wed 19-Jul-06 07:55 AM

Hi Lindsey,

I'd like a copy too pls

Fax No: 0151 443 4639 or post to

Margie Byron
Prescot & Whiston Community Advice Centre
Prescot One Stop Shop
Aspinall Street
L34 5GA





Welfare Rights Officer, Middlesbrough Welfare Rights Unit
Member since
23rd Feb 2004

RE: DWP Appeal (Incapacity Benefit & Learning Disabilities)
Wed 19-Jul-06 09:59 AM

Can i have a copy also Lindsey.

Tony Todisco
Welfare Rights Unit
PO Box 234
Civic Centre




Linda W

Welfare Rights Officer, Leicestershire County Council
Member since
29th Jan 2004

RE: DWP Appeal (Incapacity Benefit & Learning Disabilities)
Fri 21-Jul-06 08:16 AM

Can I have a copy too, please?

Linda Willars
Adult Placement Team
Leics Social Care Services
8 Garden Street





Student Social Worker, Selby District Advocacy
Member since
04th Jul 2006

RE: DWP Appeal (Incapacity Benefit & Learning Disabilities)
Mon 24-Jul-06 11:09 AM

Due to the reponse we have had we are unable to send anymore copies out. Rightsnet are hopefully going to have a copy to download if you want to check their site out.



Top Incapacity related benefits topic #1547First topic | Last topic