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Top Working Tax Credit & Child Tax Credit topic #1265

Subject: "from today's press ........." First topic | Last topic

editorial director, rightsnet
Member since
28th Jul 2005

from today's press .........
Thu 25-Aug-05 02:39 PM

... well the daily mirror -

MILLIONS of people may get to keep overpaid tax credits in the future if a planned legal action is successful.

Tens of thousands of struggling families were left in misery this summer when the Government took back money paid out by mistake.

The Child Poverty Action Group wants to stop that happening again.

It is considering a judicial review so the Revenue and Customs cannot make future claimants give back overpayments.

Sarah Clarke, CPAG solicitor, said that would affect a third of all people who claim family tax credits.

She said: 'It would mean the Government would have to consider whether it was their fault an overpayment had been made before they take the money back in the future.'
Bid to end tax credit hell


Top Working Tax Credit & Child Tax Credit topic #1265First topic | Last topic