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Top Disability related benefits topic #1647

Subject: "Old claim evidence on new claim papers" First topic | Last topic

Welfare Rights Adviser, Stevenage Citizens Advice Bureau
Member since
23rd Jan 2004

Old claim evidence on new claim papers
Fri 29-Apr-05 01:56 PM

I've just received a bundle for a claim made wef November 2004 decision January 2005. There was a previous, hotly disputed refusal ultimately unsuccessful om a claim wef January 2004 decision March 2004. Appeal papers for new claim include material from previous claim, including the realyl horrible bit subject to the hot dispute.

I intend to say that due to gradually deteriorating condition that's rendered irrelevant, but is there any neat caselaw that says it MUST be irrelevant??

Any help much appreciated.


Top Disability related benefits topic #1647First topic | Last topic