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Top Other benefit issues topic #2986

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Volunteer adviser, Corby Welfare Rights Advice Bureau
Member since
03rd May 2005

Thu 20-Sep-07 09:54 AM

Can anyone explain to me what exactly is the role of floorwalkers in Jobcentres? Are they benefit advisers or glorified security guards?
I ask this because we have a profoundly deaf client who tried to hand in a completed claim form for Incapacity Benefit in Youth and was turned away from the local Jobcentre by a floorwalker. He was told he couldn't make a claim for IB and given an IS form instead.



Replies to this topic
RE: floorwalkers, bensup, 20th Sep 2007, #1
RE: floorwalkers, nevip, 20th Sep 2007, #2
RE: floorwalkers, SLloyd, 20th Sep 2007, #3
      RE: floorwalkers, bensup, 20th Sep 2007, #4
           RE: floorwalkers, Rowan, 20th Sep 2007, #5
                RE: floorwalkers, SLloyd, 20th Sep 2007, #6
                     RE: floorwalkers, David S, 20th Sep 2007, #7
RE: floorwalkers, Ruth_T, 21st Sep 2007, #8
      RE: floorwalkers, iancity, 21st Sep 2007, #9
           RE: floorwalkers, Margie, 21st Sep 2007, #10
                RE: floorwalkers, iancity, 21st Sep 2007, #11
                     RE: floorwalkers, SLloyd, 21st Sep 2007, #12
                          RE: floorwalkers, bensup, 24th Sep 2007, #13
                               RE: floorwalkers, SandraC, 04th Oct 2007, #14
                                    RE: floorwalkers, bensup, 04th Oct 2007, #15


Benefits Supervisor, Barrow-in-Furness, Cumbria Citizens Advice Bureau
Member since
24th May 2004

RE: floorwalkers
Thu 20-Sep-07 11:31 AM

Blimey! We had one exactly the same not so long back.

I contacted our contact at Jobcentreplus and was told this should not have happened - the floorwalker is there merely to signpost the client and definately should not tell them they are not entitled to a specific benefit.

Since this incident and our bringing it to their attention we have not heard of any similar incidents with our jobcentreplus offices.




welfare rights adviser, sefton metropolitan borough council, liverpool.
Member since
22nd Jan 2004

RE: floorwalkers
Thu 20-Sep-07 11:47 AM

I can just see it now.

Are you free Mr Humphries? I’m free. Then take this gentleman’s inside leg measurement and stamp in his IS claim form.




Welfare Rights Adviser/Trainee Solicitor, Thorpes Solicitors, Hereford
Member since
03rd Feb 2005

RE: floorwalkers
Thu 20-Sep-07 11:52 AM

Thu 20-Sep-07 11:52 AM by SLloyd

They're more like the Deatheaters from Harry Potter, they mope about in dark corners, sucking the will to live out of potential claimants before they get to the desk.




Benefits Supervisor, Barrow-in-Furness, Cumbria Citizens Advice Bureau
Member since
24th May 2004

RE: floorwalkers
Thu 20-Sep-07 11:55 AM

That's dementors isn't it




Welfare Rights Officer Aberdeen City Council, Aberdeen Welfare Rights Aberdeen
Member since
27th Oct 2005

RE: floorwalkers
Thu 20-Sep-07 12:51 PM

As I remember it, I was working in the Department when they were brought in, the primary purpose of the Floorwalkers was to keep clients moving.

The perception was that Benefits Agency offices were full of claimants sitting around socialising, making the place untidy and causing trouble.

They didn't want this in the fancy new JobcentrePlus offices so Floorwalkers were introduced to act as guides and to make sure that everyone in the building was in the right place and more importantly there for a purpose. That was and, presumably, is their only role.




Welfare Rights Adviser/Trainee Solicitor, Thorpes Solicitors, Hereford
Member since
03rd Feb 2005

RE: floorwalkers
Thu 20-Sep-07 01:01 PM

Must check my sources more carefully!



David S

Welfare Benefits Case Worker, Chelmsford Citizens Advice Bureau
Member since
04th May 2006

RE: floorwalkers
Thu 20-Sep-07 01:51 PM

CIS/610/1998 cited on page 424 of Social Security Legis 2006 vol III covers a situation where a security guard gave wrong advice. He was considered by the Commissioner to be 'an officer of the Department'




Volunteer adviser, Corby Welfare Rights Advice Bureau
Member since
03rd May 2005

RE: floorwalkers
Fri 21-Sep-07 08:07 AM

bensup: I have written a letter of complaint to the Jobcentre manager and am awaiting a response. I have also submitted a Bureau Evidence Form. I hope you did the same.




Benefit Fraud Officer, Wansbeck District Council, Northumberland
Member since
10th Mar 2005

RE: floorwalkers
Fri 21-Sep-07 08:47 AM

"They're more like the Deatheaters from Harry Potter, they mope about in dark corners, sucking the will to live out of potential claimants before they get to the desk"

Hehe, thanks Sue - my wife is one and I can testify you are quite accurate, just as long as she doesn't see this post I'm alright !!!!

As to their purpose, yeah, pretty much as explained, they are there to keep people moving and make sure they end up at the right desk/phone whatever. They also offer advice/guidance to customers when they first come in, but some do more than others, and give them advice when they should really be passing them on. In my wife's JC+ the security guard is a big problem because he gives out all the advice instead of sending them to see the right person, extremely worrying.




Senior Welfare Rights Officer, prescot & whiston community advice centre
Member since
13th Apr 2004

RE: floorwalkers
Fri 21-Sep-07 10:00 AM

"Hehe, thanks Sue"
Methinks Mr Lloyd should start signing his posts with his given, very male first name....otherwise he will be remembered for eternity as the boy named sue!!




Benefit Fraud Officer, Wansbeck District Council, Northumberland
Member since
10th Mar 2005

RE: floorwalkers
Fri 21-Sep-07 10:15 AM

Hehe, ooops - where the heck did I get Sue from ?!!?

Sorry Mr Lloyd, if its any consolation I was once called Ian Huntley (my name is very similiar)........




Welfare Rights Adviser/Trainee Solicitor, Thorpes Solicitors, Hereford
Member since
03rd Feb 2005

RE: floorwalkers
Fri 21-Sep-07 11:44 AM

Don't worry, You're not the first! Sue Lloyd was Sue Lawley's maiden name (don't ask me how I know that!!!)




Benefits Supervisor, Barrow-in-Furness, Cumbria Citizens Advice Bureau
Member since
24th May 2004

RE: floorwalkers
Mon 24-Sep-07 06:41 AM

Ruth - yes i did.




Welfare Advisor, Palliative Care Social Work Team, Wisdom Hospice, Rochester, Kent
Member since
11th May 2007

RE: floorwalkers
Thu 04-Oct-07 01:52 PM

I too worked for the DWP when floorwalkers were 1st mentioned. I fancied that job as you stood at the door with a clipboard, so could be the first one out of the dorr if anything kicked off!!!!

And they are no longer called security guards...they are now customer care officers....at one office in my area this means standing outside for a smoke and telling anyone who will listen what a bunch of b*stards work inside...
...and I wonder why I left!!!




Benefits Supervisor, Barrow-in-Furness, Cumbria Citizens Advice Bureau
Member since
24th May 2004

RE: floorwalkers
Thu 04-Oct-07 02:03 PM

Ours can often be found outside puffing away on their cigarettes and chatting to the "customers." Maybe it's a requirement

A couple of ours are also doormen at local nightspots and are pretty well known faces - it doesn't sit right with me somehow, i don't know why, it just makes me uneasy.



Top Other benefit issues topic #2986First topic | Last topic