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Top Disability related benefits topic #1614

Subject: "industrial injuries-glutaraldehyde exposure" First topic | Last topic

welfare rights adviser, ty-lew disability project, blackwood
Member since
26th Sep 2004

industrial injuries-glutaraldehyde exposure
Sat 23-Apr-05 11:58 AM

client trying to establish claim for iidb after exposure to glutaraldehyde as nurse in operating theatre, has asthma and renal problems, memory lose, employer claims not exposed but client used it everyday(records showing exposure show 1 exposure in 10 years!!!!!!!ludicrious I know, they are balatently lying!)work mates won't help, thoughts on this sticky issue please(we know glut can cause problems after one exposure but her exposure was chronic, she used to be up to her elbows in this stuff, no face mask, no protection, don't want to lose iidb or injury benefits to a faceless nhs/dwp body)has anyone had to deal with this stuff previously? you can e-mail me at lloyd1071@hotmail.co.uk, I'd appreciate anyones help with this, thanks again



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Welfare rights officer, northumberland nhs care trust
Member since
06th Oct 2004

RE: industrial injuries-glutaraldehyde exposure
Mon 25-Apr-05 11:02 AM

A Google search on "exposure glutaraldehyde nurse" (without using speech marks) turns up loads of stuff. It is pretty much accepted that it is impossible to limit exposure sufficiently in practical situations as even vapours are harmful, and a simple mask will not protect against these. Safer repalacements tend to be used these days.



Top Disability related benefits topic #1614First topic | Last topic