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Subject: "Removal of Backdating for Refugees" First topic | Last topic

Team Manager, Welfare and Employment Rights Servic, Leicester City Council, Leicester
Member since
11th Feb 2004

Removal of Backdating for Refugees
Wed 09-Jun-04 03:33 PM

Re news item today.

So, what can we do? I know next to nothing about the way legislation passes through parliament so cannot understand why this amendment has been introduced in the House of Lords. Does this mean that the Commons will not get a chance to vote on it or does it come back there eventually.

Also, would it be right to assume that, as its Home Office legislation, it will not be referred to the Social Security Advisory Committee? (or do only regulations get passed to SSAC?)

Finally, in a point made before, where is the consistency in benefit rules when this can happen only 3 months after backdating of Tax Credits and Child Benefit were introduced?

Anybody with parliamentary lobbying experience out there? Would be grateful to know if its worth writing to MPs etc or what is likely to happen in terms of consultation etc



Replies to this topic
RE: Removal of Backdating for Refugees, shawn, 09th Jun 2004, #1
RE: Removal of Backdating for Refugees, andyplatts, 09th Jun 2004, #2
      RE: Removal of Backdating for Refugees, Paul Treloar, 10th Jun 2004, #3
RE: Removal of Backdating for Refugees, davidp, 11th Jun 2004, #4
RE: Removal of Backdating for Refugees, shawn, 17th Jun 2004, #5


Charter member

RE: Removal of Backdating for Refugees
Wed 09-Jun-04 04:06 PM

guardian today says 'The changes have been introduced so late that Mr Blunkett admitted last night that he will have to resubmit his bill to the House of Lords so peers can reopen the committee stage to give the proposals detailed scrutiny'




Team Manager, Welfare and Employment Rights Servic, Leicester City Council, Leicester
Member since
11th Feb 2004

RE: Removal of Backdating for Refugees
Wed 09-Jun-04 04:11 PM

Yeah I saw that, but why re submitted to the Lords and not the Commons? And do weget a chance to submit any comments?



Paul Treloar

Policy Officer, London Advice Services Alliance, London
Member since
21st Jan 2004

RE: Removal of Backdating for Refugees
Thu 10-Jun-04 09:59 AM

I would assume that the Refugee Council would be making representations - they did a press release when this idea was first floated in a Sun story in March, although there is nothing on their website now that legislation is actually being laid. Might be worth getting in touch with them if you want to know more?

Also, there is some interesting reading on the passage of Bills through Parliament at http://www.parliament.uk/works/newproc.cfm

Note that "Bills with contentious amendments pass back and forth between the Houses before agreement is reached. If each House insists on its amendments, a bill may be lost." So it may still be worth lobbying your local MP also.




solicitor, sheikh & co, finsbury park, london
Member since
21st Jan 2004

RE: Removal of Backdating for Refugees
Fri 11-Jun-04 01:06 PM

The reason backdating of benefit was introduced, as i understand it, is that the refugee convention requires receiving states to treat refugees no less favourably than their own nationals.

Once a refugee is recognised they are recognised from the date of asylum claim. As they are not able to work during this time then they are entitled to comparable benefits to UK nationals.

To remove this and replace it with loans would seem to be in breach of the Refugee Convention, and the government would surely have to deal with this issue in darfting any legislation.




Charter member

RE: Removal of Backdating for Refugees
Thu 17-Jun-04 01:22 PM

debate in the lords on tuesday -



Top Other benefit issues topic #256First topic | Last topic