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Top Housing Benefit & Council Tax Benefit topic #27

Subject: "Intentional Homelesness" This topic is locked.
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Project Manager, N:quire - Southcote Information and Support
Member since
03rd Feb 2004

Intentional Homelesness
Tue 03-Feb-04 08:48 AM

I don't normally deal with many housing issues so I feel a bit out of my depth on this one so any help would be gratefully received!
I have a couple in their mid 50's who due to ill health lost their business last year, they then built up debts including many priority debts due to having no income. The only way to start clearing them was to sell their house. Then their son committed suicide and so the list of bad things goes on. They are now living with her cousin but she is moving out in 3 weeks so they will be on the streets as they have no money apart from IS. The council has said they have made themselves intentionally homeless by selling their house and won't consider them for re-housing. There was a possibility of some temp accomodation but it was very damp and had one heater in the flat (plus several other problems) and the health problems are such that the man is unable to regulate his body temp therefore needs adequate heating. Therefore they turned it down. Now the council is refusing to do anything despite having employed someone to get rid of all the excess properties in the town that are generally rejected!

What are their rights? Is their any statute or case law we could use in their favour? Any ideas would be helpful.




Replies to this topic

Paul Treloar

Policy Officer, London Advice Services Alliance, London
Member since
21st Jan 2004

RE: Intentional Homelesness
Tue 03-Feb-04 09:42 AM

Have you thought about calling Shelterline which provides advice to anyone with a housing problem. The advisers will tell you your client's rights, explain their options and help you to take action. If appropriate, you may also be asked to contact your local Shelter housing aid centre.

To contact Shelterline, ring:

0808 800 4444 (freephone)
(minicom for deaf callers)



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