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Top Decision Making and Appeals topic #1822

Subject: "IIDB percentage disablement for mental health" First topic | Last topic
jo gallagher

welfare rights officer, notts county council welfare rights
Member since
10th Nov 2004

IIDB percentage disablement for mental health
Tue 05-Sep-06 03:24 PM

hi, i wonder if anyone can help. have a tribunal shortly for an iidb case that is looking at loss of faculty for an industrial accident that caused mental health problems. i wondered if anyone knows of any case law or other guidance for percentage disablement assessments where the effects are on mental health?
Client has become agrophobic and unable to work after accident. Have medical evidence from professionals involved in care, but wondering how the tribunal will approach a percentage assessment.



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claire hodgson

Solicitor, Askews Solicitors, Thornaby, Stockton on Tees
Member since
17th May 2005

RE: IIDB percentage disablement for mental health
Wed 06-Sep-06 12:28 PM

all i can say is, rather you than me..... never seen one of those ...

but i would have thought, analogies with loss of lower limbs might help in terms of the agoraphobia (i.e., inability to get out and about as a disability)?

does the medical evidence addres disability issues?

has client's solicitor been able to provide any assistance on that front? should be able to, as the disability issues will have had to have been addressed in the PI claim ...



Top Decision Making and Appeals topic #1822First topic | Last topic