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Top Housing Benefit & Council Tax Benefit topic #166

Subject: "Non-Dep Deduction?" First topic | Last topic

Manager, Dumfries Welfare Rights
Member since
19th Jan 2004

Non-Dep Deduction?
Sun 21-Mar-04 08:59 PM

Quick question?

Fairly sure I have the answer but thought I would double check.

Client has middle care DLA, been in hospital over 4 weeks so DLA care stops, partner still at home with 24 year old non-dep son who works, he earns over £300 weekly.

Obviously the non-dep deduction would not apply in HB while DLA care was paid.

What happens now?

Is there any underlying DLA care conditions / regs to stop non-dep deduction applying?

Every chance this person will come out of hospital to very high rent arrears.



Replies to this topic
RE: Non-Dep Deduction?, ken, 22nd Mar 2004, #1
RE: Non-Dep Deduction?, billmcc, 22nd Mar 2004, #2
      RE: Non-Dep Deduction?, andy pennington, 23rd Mar 2004, #3
           RE: Non-Dep Deduction?, billmcc, 23rd Mar 2004, #4


Charter member

RE: Non-Dep Deduction?
Mon 22-Mar-04 03:30 PM

HB Reg 63(6)(b)(ii) does specify "receiving" DLA, rather than say having a underling entitlement, so it would seem that a non dep deduction would kick in.




Manager, Dumfries Welfare Rights
Member since
19th Jan 2004

RE: Non-Dep Deduction?
Mon 22-Mar-04 08:40 PM

Thanks Ken

As I though, a bit unfair though?



andy pennington

welfare benefits coordinator, south london & maudsley nhs trust
Member since
23rd Jan 2004

RE: Non-Dep Deduction?
Tue 23-Mar-04 03:45 PM

have you explored the option of discretionary housing payments




Manager, Dumfries Welfare Rights
Member since
19th Jan 2004

RE: Non-Dep Deduction?
Tue 23-Mar-04 11:03 PM

Thanks Andy

It's already been put in, here's hoping.



Top Housing Benefit & Council Tax Benefit topic #166First topic | Last topic