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Top Housing Benefit & Council Tax Benefit topic #2161

Subject: "Severe Mental Impairment (council tax)" First topic | Last topic

benefit advicor, anfieldcab liverpool
Member since
01st Feb 2005

Severe Mental Impairment (council tax)
Tue 13-Sep-05 02:23 PM

We are looking for Council Tax Liability, Discount & Exemption Leglislation, Local Govement Finance Act 1992, S.i. 548 amended by S.I. 1996/636. Client has two non dependants (sons) living at home, Clients consultant has agreed to SMI from 1995 client has qualifying benefit from 2003. Local authority have refused council tax exemption due to non dependants living at home and has quoted the above regs.



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Senior Welfare Rights Officer, prescot & whiston community advice centre
Member since
13th Apr 2004

RE: Severe Mental Impairment (council tax)
Tue 13-Sep-05 03:01 PM

I'm assuming the non dep charges aren't being "waived" by virtue of your cl being in receipt of DLA Care and them being deemed Carers for HB purposes? As far as I'm aware if the SMI person has non deps there, then there is no right to exemption.



Top Housing Benefit & Council Tax Benefit topic #2161First topic | Last topic