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Subject: "Standard answers glued to EMP report" First topic | Last topic
Damian Walsh

Welfare Rights Officer Salford City Council, Salford Welfare Rights Service, Salford
Member since
11th Feb 2004

Standard answers glued to EMP report
Thu 06-Jan-05 02:38 PM

On of my clients has an EMP report which includes pasted in bits. On the report it just looks like sections of typing amongst writing which peculiarly has a reference to 'he' (my client is female) but I got the DBC to dig out the original which he says has sections of typing pasted onto the form, but not apparently covering up any writing. Has anyone ever come accross this before and does anyone know of any caselaw on how tribunals should treat such evidence?

The DM at Manchester DBC has speculated that it is a standard response which he has pre-printed to save time.



Replies to this topic
RE: Standard answers glued to EMP report, splott-paul, 07th Jan 2005, #1
RE: Standard answers glued to EMP report, NeilMc, 12th Jan 2005, #2
RE: Standard answers glued to EMP report, northwiltshire, 20th Jan 2005, #3


Welfare Rights Officer, Welfare Rights Unit - Cardiff County Council
Member since
05th Feb 2004

RE: Standard answers glued to EMP report
Fri 07-Jan-05 01:31 PM

call me "old fashioned", but I naively thought there was supposed to be a report on the INDIVIDUALS needs for care and/or mobility, as a disability will effect different people in different ways (we all know women cope with pain better then men, allegedly!), so HOW can there be a standard response? Does this not indicate that EMP's are rushing reports without due diligence and care?
My problem tends to be EMP or GP reports written in hyra-blahdy-glphics, and totally illegible. I usually write, asking the DBC to translate, as - if they used it to make a decision - they MUST be able to understand it. Funny how they frequently can't ....
Could it be that DLA is a failed benefit, poorly administered and totally unresponsive to the genuine needs of a disparite group of physically, and - worst served of all - mentally disabled persons?
Remember, they'll be an election this year - judging by the posters going up on billboards in Cardiff recently - possibly sooner rather than later (informed sources tell me February is still an option).
I think we should be told .... and I think we should be asking politicians of ALL political persuasions what they plan to do about it. To the barricades COMRADES!!
[Thank (insert "god" of choice here) it's Friday.




General Advice Worker, Cardiff Law Centre
Member since
06th Jan 2005

RE: Standard answers glued to EMP report
Wed 12-Jan-05 08:32 AM

Now, now oh we of little faith, to even think that they might use 'standard responces'.....

Having gone through the joys of the introduction of the computerised 'EMP' reports in my last incarnation as welfare rights worker in an Eastern Valleys area, at least the reports do tend to be readable if not any more logical.

Examples being sudden changes of sex,name and conditions half way through the PCA report, noting that applicant had 'difficulty concentrating and needed to be be promted and continually brought back to the subject', used as support for not allocating points under the MH descriptors.... And on more than one occassion an EMP telling a client to 'Be quiet, it's hard enough coping with the computer with out having you going on...'.

Would suggest that it is worth challenging, esp. if the pasted bits were not added in front of the client?




welfare rights officer, c.a.b. n.wiltshire
Member since
26th Jan 2004

RE: Standard answers glued to EMP report
Thu 20-Jan-05 12:00 PM

Isnt there also an arguement of authenticity couldn't the emp just sign the report and anyone could add the pasteings.Though I must say I'm glad I'm not the only only one who finds old fashioned cutting and pasteing easier then the computerised version.



Top Disability related benefits topic #1128First topic | Last topic