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Top Other benefit issues topic #412

Subject: "consultation on reform of benefits for young people" First topic | Last topic

Charter member

consultation on reform of benefits for young people
Fri 10-Sep-04 10:54 AM

Youth Access have forwarded to us a draft copy of their response to the the Treasury's consultation document 'Supporting young people to achieve: towards a new deal for skills', which sets out plans to reform the system of benefits and financial support for 16-19 year-olds.

(nb - for more info on the consultation, see the rightsnet news story Reform of benefits for young people: Budget 2004 announcement)

the consultation closes on 30 september .. Youth Access would be grateful for any feedback on its draft response ... plus hopes that making the draft available here will assist others in formulating their own responses

the draft response can be viewed @ http://www.rightsnet.org.uk/pdfs/Youth_Access_consultation_Sept_2004.doc


Top Other benefit issues topic #412First topic | Last topic