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Top Working Tax Credit & Child Tax Credit topic #1177

Subject: "Tax Credits and public funds" First topic | Last topic
G Lonergan

Caseworker/Supervisor, CLS Direct Norwich Money Advice
Member since
13th Jul 2004

Tax Credits and public funds
Wed 20-Jul-05 01:15 PM

I have a client who made a claim for tax credits last year without realising that she tax credits where a public fund. She has no access to public funds because of her immigration status.

Our client went into the HMRC office to make a claim and was helped to complete the form. At no point was she asked about her eligibility because of immigration status and it appears this is not on the form.

Our client this year saw that tax credits are classed as public funds and subsequentley contacted the HMRC and told them.

She then deemed to be overpaid several thousand £'s. Obvisouly our client wants to appeal against this decision. I can only think we argue official error because client not asked about status and question not on form. Also there was no information that tax credits public funds that our client could access.

Any one got any ideas of tackling this case.




Replies to this topic
RE: Tax Credits and public funds, Derekbell, 20th Jul 2005, #1
RE: Tax Credits and public funds, shawn, 20th Jul 2005, #2
      RE: Tax Credits and public funds, G Lonergan, 21st Jul 2005, #3
           RE: Tax Credits and public funds, shawn, 21st Jul 2005, #4
RE: Tax Credits and public funds, steve_johnson, 22nd Jul 2005, #5
RE: Tax Credits and public funds, Cordelia, 01st Aug 2005, #6
RE: Tax Credits and public funds, G Lonergan, 10th Aug 2005, #7


Welfare Benefits Officer, Scottish Borders Council
Member since
11th Feb 2004

RE: Tax Credits and public funds
Wed 20-Jul-05 02:07 PM

It may also be worth trying to find out when Tax Credits became Public Funds as if they were not on list when your client claimed don't see how they could be overpaid. They were certainly not in list for leave to remain letter I have from January 2004 as this still listed WFTC and DPTC. There was some confusion around the position of TCs this time last year and there was a discussion thread around them.




Charter member

RE: Tax Credits and public funds
Wed 20-Jul-05 04:07 PM

Statement of Changes HC 346 that added new tax credits to the list of public funds took effect from 15 March 2005



G Lonergan

Caseworker/Supervisor, CLS Direct Norwich Money Advice
Member since
13th Jul 2004

RE: Tax Credits and public funds
Thu 21-Jul-05 11:18 AM

thanks for the info shawn were can i get Statement of Changes HC 346.




Charter member

RE: Tax Credits and public funds
Thu 21-Jul-05 11:38 AM

was in rightsnet news (March 3 2005) @

Benefits and recourse to public funds: Government introduces new rules

.... and on the home office website @





manager, walthamstow cab
Member since
21st Jan 2004

RE: Tax Credits and public funds
Fri 22-Jul-05 02:33 PM

Seems to me there are a few issues. Firstly, is it fair that a fact can affect legal entitlement, even if it is not probed on a claim form? I think the answer is no its not fair, but there you go.

Secondly, do our colleagues at the HMRC have a duty of care to ensure that a claim they are actually assisting the claimant to make is correct? I would have thought the answer is probably yes, and could be raised in the context of resisting recovery. The changes to the public funds list can only enhance this duty, in my view.

We know that in the world of social security, the long abolished duty to maintain claimant welfare has left us with benefit authorities as passive providers of products which require active claims. I know there has been some helpful case law, but that seems to be the overall picture. The same probably applies to Tax Credits - what a shame.





Welfare Benefits Adviser, DACE Carlisle
Member since
01st Aug 2005

RE: Tax Credits and public funds
Mon 01-Aug-05 04:31 PM

I worked briefly for the Inland Revenue in early 2003, processing tax credit claims. There was a question on the form about whether or not the claimant was a British national, and another about whether or not they were in Britain. I remember a lot of people struggled with these, and we spent some time chasing people up to check if Mr John Smith who worked at ASDA (for example) was really not British and not resident. If its possible I would try to get hold of the claim form as she may have indicated on it that she was not British, but the IR then made a mistake in processing her claim.



G Lonergan

Caseworker/Supervisor, CLS Direct Norwich Money Advice
Member since
13th Jul 2004

RE: Tax Credits and public funds
Wed 10-Aug-05 12:03 PM

Thanks for the help.

We have recieved a surprisingly swift response from HMRC and they have acknowledged it was their fault and will not be recovering approximatley £10000.00.




Top Working Tax Credit & Child Tax Credit topic #1177First topic | Last topic