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Top Disability related benefits topic #1268

Subject: "DLA and Anosmia" First topic | Last topic
Mick Guy

WRO, Central Appeals Team Durham Welfare Rights
Member since
14th Jun 2004

DLA and Anosmia
Tue 08-Feb-05 03:30 PM

Has anyone come across any caselaw in relation to Dla and anosmia (loss of sense of smell). So far I have drawn a blank but think that there is a strong argument for L/R care (cooking test)on the grounds below:

1) Such a disability prevents a person from identifying food which is off (eg meat,fish,dairy products).

2)Smell is a invaluable aid to cooking and it's absence will mean that the disabled person will not be alerted to burning food.

3)The disturbance of taste that accompanies loss of smell will mean that the disabled person will be unable to tell if the cooked food is of edible quality.

Views on the arguments most welcome too.




Replies to this topic
RE: DLA and Anosmia, ruth, 08th Feb 2005, #1
RE: DLA and Anosmia, ghcharter, 09th Feb 2005, #2
RE: DLA and Anosmia, Warren, 09th Feb 2005, #3
      RE: DLA and Anosmia, ghcharter, 09th Feb 2005, #4
      RE: DLA and Anosmia, Mick Guy, 09th Feb 2005, #6
      RE: DLA and Anosmia, Mick Guy, 09th Feb 2005, #5
           RE: DLA and Anosmia, NeilMc, 09th Feb 2005, #7
           RE: DLA and Anosmia, Warren, 10th Feb 2005, #8
                RE: DLA and Anosmia, Mick Guy, 11th Feb 2005, #11
RE: DLA and Anosmia, NeilMc, 10th Feb 2005, #9
      RE: DLA and Anosmia, Mick Guy, 11th Feb 2005, #10


Volunteer adviser, Corby Citizens Advice Bureau
Member since
20th Jan 2004

RE: DLA and Anosmia
Tue 08-Feb-05 07:13 PM

I don't have any caselaw, but I did have a client who suffered anosmia following head injury. We used arguments similar to those you suggest, and client was awarded LRCC. Client had a gas cooker, and was unable to detect that gas tap had been left on but unlit (head injury also resulted in loss of short-term memory) and there was danger of explosion.




Welfare Rights Officer, Welfare Rights & Money Advice, Rotherham Metropoli
Member since
22nd Jan 2004

RE: DLA and Anosmia
Wed 09-Feb-05 08:21 AM

I'm with Ruth on this. I think that for most cooking activities it will probably have to be combined with some other disability that means that they can't check sell-by dates, remember to watch the stove, etc. Shame though as half the joy of cooking is the smells!

Is there caselaw suggesting that the hypothetical cooking test assumed that they had been provided with ingredients? I seem to remember that. Would you have to find a way round the argument that if we are assuming ingredients then we have to assume that they are usable?

Sorry to be so negative at this time of the morning. Personally I would give it a go anyway and not be surprised either way by the result.




Appeals writer, Adjudication and Constitutional Issues, DWP, Leeds
Member since
28th Oct 2004

RE: DLA and Anosmia
Wed 09-Feb-05 09:40 AM

S72(1)(a)(ii) of the C&B Act

he cannot prepare a main meal for himself if he has the ingredients.




Welfare Rights Officer, Welfare Rights & Money Advice, Rotherham Metropoli
Member since
22nd Jan 2004

RE: DLA and Anosmia
Wed 09-Feb-05 09:48 AM

Doh! Why worry about caselaw when I should know the legislation.



Mick Guy

WRO, Central Appeals Team Durham Welfare Rights
Member since
14th Jun 2004

RE: DLA and Anosmia
Wed 09-Feb-05 10:00 AM

Ah but the legislation is ambiguous which is precisely why we need the caselaw! Looking forward to hearing from Warren.



Mick Guy

WRO, Central Appeals Team Durham Welfare Rights
Member since
14th Jun 2004

RE: DLA and Anosmia
Wed 09-Feb-05 09:55 AM

Thanks Warren but can you expand?





General Advice Worker, Cardiff Law Centre
Member since
06th Jan 2005

RE: DLA and Anosmia
Wed 09-Feb-05 03:42 PM

HI Mick,

Not come up with anything hard and fast and not had a chance to have a dig about yet, but.....

Could an arguement be made from CDLA1471/2004 'safety + cooking' following moyna? Or R(DLA01/97 'Reasonableness', and CDLA/450/1995 for attention?

Been a while since I have had direct involvement with DLA challenges but will keep ferreting and see if I can come up with anything!

And if Tom Taylor is still working with you tell him I said it was time he retired!





Appeals writer, Adjudication and Constitutional Issues, DWP, Leeds
Member since
28th Oct 2004

RE: DLA and Anosmia
Thu 10-Feb-05 07:43 AM


I wasn't making any particular point just showing the legislation refers to having the ingredients.



Mick Guy

WRO, Central Appeals Team Durham Welfare Rights
Member since
14th Jun 2004

RE: DLA and Anosmia
Fri 11-Feb-05 03:22 PM

Thanks Warren, but does that mean they are in the kitchen (so as to exclude shopping) or does it mean that they are of edible quality at the point of making the meal? I don't know but suspect that the 'available' bit is there for the former reason rather than the latter. Hansard anybody?
If I am wrong on this the burning issue would be ......the burning issue.




General Advice Worker, Cardiff Law Centre
Member since
06th Jan 2005

RE: DLA and Anosmia
Thu 10-Feb-05 08:49 AM

Had second thoughts on those decisions don't think the Anosmia will be enough on its own for most tribunals. Will continue to ponder and get the local cabal (or should that be coven?) of advice workers to mull it over.



Mick Guy

WRO, Central Appeals Team Durham Welfare Rights
Member since
14th Jun 2004

RE: DLA and Anosmia
Fri 11-Feb-05 03:12 PM

Thanks Neil and everyone else so far. Tommys retired but we are still in touch and I'm pleased to report he's as daft as ever. We may have him back as an elected member in May. I'll let him know you have been in touch.



Top Disability related benefits topic #1268First topic | Last topic