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Top Housing Benefit & Council Tax Benefit topic #2547

Subject: "HB&CTB (DA) Reg 14 - termination of awards" First topic | Last topic
Peter Turville

welfare rights worker, Oxfordshire Welfare Rights
Member since
03rd Feb 2004

HB&CTB (DA) Reg 14 - termination of awards
Wed 07-Dec-05 01:10 PM

D&A Reg 14 & interaction with D&A Regs 11 & 13 & HB Reg 73 - see commentary to Reg 14 in Findlay 17th ed page 930 and HB Guidance Manual paras 02001 - 02015.

Anybody out there know if there has been any commissioners decisions that have addressed the application of these convoluted provisions?



Replies to this topic
RE: HB&CTB (DA) Reg 14 - termination of awards, Kevin D, 07th Dec 2005, #1
RE: HB&CTB (DA) Reg 14 - termination of awards, Peter Turville, 07th Dec 2005, #2
      RE: HB&CTB (DA) Reg 14 - termination of awards, Damian, 07th Dec 2005, #3
           RE: HB&CTB (DA) Reg 14 - termination of awards, Peter Turville, 07th Dec 2005, #4

Kevin D

Freelance HB & CTB Consultant/Trainer, Hertfordshire
Member since
20th Jan 2004

RE: HB&CTB (DA) Reg 14 - termination of awards
Wed 07-Dec-05 02:41 PM


A bit more info about the circs of the case you have may be useful - could be there is some case law / CDs that indirectly addresses the issue in question.




Peter Turville

welfare rights worker, Oxfordshire Welfare Rights
Member since
03rd Feb 2004

RE: HB&CTB (DA) Reg 14 - termination of awards
Wed 07-Dec-05 03:23 PM


new claim 8/04.
'renewal' claim form 1/05
award suspended 2/05 - plus request for information
award terminated 3/05 - failure to supply info.
award has not been re-instated despite subsequent supply of info etc.

(unreported?) change of circs in 04 - non-dep mum moved in, award of CA - these were original reasons for LA info request.

subsequent revision / supersessions of original decision etc on later receipt of the info requested = overpayment decision from date non-dep moved in. Clnt then awarded DLA so more revisions. Issue of working throughout claim now arised (clnt did not) resulting in alleged overpayment of whole award. Plus the usual admin problems!

We argue LA has applied HB&CTB(DA)Reg 14 wrongly having applied it immediately having following HB&CTB(DA)Reg 11(2)(a)(i) / HB Reg 73(1) missing out HB&CTB(DA)Reg 13 procedure (alternative would have been for LA to apply a revision or supersession instead after expiry of HB Reg 73(1) time limit).

What we were looking for was any Comm decision that may have addressed the proper application of these converluted regs!




WRO(Health), Salford WRS
Member since
23rd May 2005

RE: HB&CTB (DA) Reg 14 - termination of awards
Wed 07-Dec-05 03:43 PM

Sorry more questions!

Was the info missing on the events of 04 in the 1/05 renewal claim? What prompted the suspension in 2/05, ie what prompted them to think an issue arose?

I'll try to come up with an answer instead a question next time!



Peter Turville

welfare rights worker, Oxfordshire Welfare Rights
Member since
03rd Feb 2004

RE: HB&CTB (DA) Reg 14 - termination of awards
Wed 07-Dec-05 03:54 PM

Disclosure was made in the claim of 1/05 but further detail required i.e date moved in / CA started.



Top Housing Benefit & Council Tax Benefit topic #2547First topic | Last topic