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Top Decision Making and Appeals topic #1717

Subject: "Complaint handling by TAS (or now Tribunals Judiciary)" First topic | Last topic

WB Caseworker, Tameside CAB
Member since
17th Feb 2005

Complaint handling by TAS (or now Tribunals Judiciary)
Thu 01-Jun-06 09:36 AM

The following is similar to a reply I posted to an earlier thread. I would however like to make it available to a wider audience and appreciate feedback and suggestions as to what else I can do.

In February 2005 I represented a client in relation to a DLA appeal regarding a renewal claim where no award was made. The decision of the tribunal was to ratify the DM'a decision. I requested a Statement of Reasons and that arrived at the end of April 2005.

In that Statement of Reasons the Chair explained that part of the reason for not making an award was because:
1) I was representing the client in the appeal
2) I was dishonest and coached my clients to tell lies
3) The Chair had allegedly been informed at an earlier appeal by a client that I had encouraged an exaggeration of the truth

The Chair then went on to describe how the lay members were told of the alleged experience.

When I received the Statement I was in complete shock and can honestly state that even now there is not a day that passes that I do not think about this. Needless to say that I deny the totally the accusations levied against me.

A complaint was made both by myself and through my employer to the Regional Chair who quoted the Protocol back (after we had found them ourselves) stating that he could do nothing until the matter had been heard by Commissioners. Copies of letters were also sent to the President of TAS in London.

The Chair was asked about the case that it was alleged that I had encouraged a client to lie in (and indeed for a copy of Statement that it was indicated that had been drafted on that occassion) but no details were provided except the belief that it was heard about '18 months ago'.

The same Chair also refused leave to appeal to Commissioners!!

In the meantime my employer conducted a detailed check of my cases, as the thought was that the matter should be treated as a complaint, and they were all found to be absolutely fine.

Eventually the Commissioner concerned directed a re-hearing at which benefit was awarded.

When the Regional Chair was then asked to investigate the case fully, along with: a) the possible impact it may have had to previous cases in the intervening period b) what had been said to the lay members (and indeed other Appeals Service personnel) c) the impact on my and my employers future cases .... he refused to do so!!

An unconvincing unreserved apology was sent by the Regional Chair but he refused any further action. This means that to date I do not know what impact my name is having in relation to appeals I am assiting with, what other Chairs know of the situation and whether previous cases have been prejudiced!!

The President was again asked to intervene but has continually refused, stating that the Regional Chair has dealt with the matter appropriately.

We are now well over a year on and the matter is now before the Office of Judicial Complaints (had thought Parliamentary Ombudsman, and we are awaiting their response.

I am still extremely hurt about what has happened and the refusal from the Appeals Service to investigate a serious complaint that has a such impact on my cases and future.

From reading previous postings it seems that the Appeals Service is quick enough to threaten defamation against those who dare make comment about them but who themselves know that they are immune to action due to 'judicial privelege'.

The bottom line is that Appeal Chairs do not seem to have open accountability for their actions and the checks that are in place to deal with problems just allow for an attempt to brush things under the carpet.

My local MP has now received a second complaint about Chair conduct and is now looking to take action about the situation. If anybody wants further information or has had similar problems then then please reply to this post. I can then possibly make the MP aware of a greater situation.



Replies to this topic
RE: Complaint handling by TAS (or now Tribunals Judiciary), jj, 01st Jun 2006, #1
RE: Complaint handling by TAS (or now Tribunals Judiciary), c3442, 02nd Jun 2006, #2
RE: Complaint handling by TAS (or now Tribunals Judiciary), Sunil, 05th Jun 2006, #3


welfare rights adviser, saltley & nechells law centre birmingham
Member since
21st Jan 2004

RE: Complaint handling by TAS (or now Tribunals Judiciary)
Thu 01-Jun-06 06:18 PM

sunil - just wanted to say that i don't have any experience of this complaints system, but i was shocked when i first read your post and can imagine how devastating it was for you. i don't know what to say but it sucks. good that you are able to talk about it, and that your employer is supportive.
just to cheer you up, see link below.


best wishes




Senior welfare Rights Officer, Durham County Counc, Durham county Council
Member since
24th May 2006

RE: Complaint handling by TAS (or now Tribunals Judiciary)
Fri 02-Jun-06 11:44 AM

I wish you good luck in you endeavours. You may well be mindful of the fact that tribunal chairmen and members use this site too. Consequently, other forms of communication might be considered necessary at times between reps/interested parties on matters of this nature.

You may also be interested to learn that in some areas The appeals Service are in the business of compiling dossiers on representatives who they consider to be less than willing to tow their line (speak when spoken to, question the conduct of tribunals and/or complain against them), and the dossier is then forwarded to the emploer with a request to informally investigate the conduct of the rep!! I know of cases where the employer has refused to investigate informally and offer to formally invesigate, The Appeals Service have not pursued the matter further.

Representatives aggrieved by the conduct of tribunals should continue to question and complain. These people may consider themselves beyond reproach, it's our role to ensure they're not.




WB Caseworker, Tameside CAB
Member since
17th Feb 2005

RE: Complaint handling by TAS (or now Tribunals Judiciary)
Mon 05-Jun-06 08:45 AM

Thank you for the above posts and those that were also sent more privately.

I welcome the fact that the site is also read by Chairs and people who may form the judicial side of things, as they must learn as much as we do from it. Indeed that being the case I believe that it is a shame that I have not received more discussion about this issue of open accountability from these people.

More comments welcome.



Top Decision Making and Appeals topic #1717First topic | Last topic