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Top Decision Making and Appeals topic #3515

Subject: "Interpreters at appeals" First topic | Last topic
Casework team

Legal Casework Officer, RNID London
Member since
17th Aug 2006

Interpreters at appeals
Mon 28-Sep-09 12:16 PM

At the NAWRA meeting in Edinburgh, the issue of language interpreters and appellants being separated before hearings came up, we have now had a meeting with the Tribunal Service to raise this issue and have received assurances from the Tribunal Service that they have sent out a memo stating that interpreters and appellants must not be separated before a Tribunal hearing, there is no legal or any other grounding to justify this and it could be viewed as a discriminatory issue if challenged.

If you have any problems of this nature in the future, then please let me know or you can also email the Tribunal Service area manager at [email protected]

He has stated he would be interested to know if this happens again in the future.



Replies to this topic
RE: Interpreters at appeals, Casework team, 01st Dec 2009, #1
RE: Interpreters at appeals, Martin Williams, 01st Dec 2009, #2
      RE: Interpreters at appeals, Casework team, 02nd Dec 2009, #3

Casework team

Legal Casework Officer, RNID London
Member since
17th Aug 2006

RE: Interpreters at appeals
Tue 01-Dec-09 02:06 PM

As an update to this posting, we received a request this week from TAS of another case that we reported to them were terps and appellants were kept apart, so TAS are on the case and actively pursuing any examples we provide were this is or has happened.



Martin Williams

Welfare Rights Advisor, Child Poverty Action Group
Member since
23rd Jul 2008

RE: Interpreters at appeals
Tue 01-Dec-09 02:27 PM

Great work on this- it has frustrated me for ages that I couldn't check over a few things with my client in the few minutes before the hearing because the interpreter was being kept in another room.

I'd be quite interested in seeing the memo if you happen to have a copy?




Casework team

Legal Casework Officer, RNID London
Member since
17th Aug 2006

RE: Interpreters at appeals
Wed 02-Dec-09 11:47 AM


Not in memo form, but this extract from the minutes of the NCRLF meeting:

Update on Action Points Log from last meeting

2.2.1 An update on the action points from the preceding meeting was given.

2.2.2 AP1 – Cleared. Bill Craig informed that offices have been told that common sense and a flexible approach be used when interpreters attend hearings by allowing them to meet with the appellants in the waiting room prior to the hearing.

2.2.3 However, Keith Spencer informed that an interpreter had been prevented from speaking to an appellant before the hearing in Scotland. Bill asked Keith to send details of the case to investigate.

AP1 – Keith to email Bill of the case details to [email protected],gov.uk



Top Decision Making and Appeals topic #3515First topic | Last topic