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Subject: "research help request ..." First topic | Last topic

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research help request ...
Fri 12-Nov-04 02:44 PM

The Medical School at the University of Newcastle upon Tyne have contacted us to say -


We are conducting a systematic review on the health, social and economic impacts of welfare rights advice in health care settings - both in the UK and worldwide. Whilst there's not much published literature in this area, we know that there is a lot of 'grey literature' out there and we are looking for help with finding this. If anyone knows of any reports, leads or contacts in this area, we'd very grateful if you could let us know about these. Whilst it's not practical to circulate details of all the references that we currently have to the whole list, if anyone would like to see this in order to help us identify missing references, we would be happy to supply it directly.

Please reply to Jean Adams at [email protected]

Many thanks for your help in this area

Jean Adams, research associate
Martin White, senior lecturer
Suzanne Moffatt, lecturer'


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