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Subject: "DLA Cooking Test" First topic | Last topic
Barry McVeigh

Specialist Support Officer, Citizens Advice Northern Ireland
Member since
21st Jun 2004

DLA Cooking Test
Wed 13-Apr-05 02:06 PM

At a recent DLA tribunal a CAB Rep in NI argued for low rate care based on the client's inability to prepare and cook a main meal. The client told the tribunal that she could not chop vegtables such as carrots and cabbage. She stated that she boils her carrots whole and then peels the skin and cuts them up after they are cooked. The presenting officer argued that the client had successfully prepared and cooked a main meal. The CAB rep asked what the should do if she doesn't have a large enough pot for a cabbage and the debate went round in circles. The LQM has adjourned the appeal to allow futher information/decisions to be submitted to back up the point that the preparation (peeling & chopping) of vegtables prior to cooking them is part of the criteria for deciding the cooking test.

Anyone experienced this before? Any ideas?




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welfare rights officer, c.a.b. n.wiltshire
Member since
26th Jan 2004

RE: DLA Cooking Test
Thu 14-Apr-05 11:48 AM

The test is laid down in R(DLA)2/95, see page 153 of Bonner& Mesher Vol 1 2004



Top Disability related benefits topic #1567First topic | Last topic