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Top Working Tax Credit & Child Tax Credit topic #3497

Subject: "EEA self employment and evidence" First topic | Last topic

WRO(Health), Salford WRS
Member since
23rd May 2005

EEA self employment and evidence
Thu 05-Mar-09 01:38 PM

I have a Lithuanian client who has been self employed since Jan 08, with a break of two months where she was an employee, and is now on some self granted maternity leave having had a baby last month. I have no concerns about r2r following CIS/1042/2008 save for some problems with evidence.

She made some sort of attempt to register her self employment with HMRC but this went wrong in some way. She did not keep any records or accounts and has not paid any tax, although she has a bill for unpaid NI. What sort of evidence can she provide to prove she was self employed and, for tax credits, what can she do about working out her income? She estimates that she made about £140 per week although her actual profit was probably less although her costs were probably not large. Anyone dealt with a case like this before and know how it should be approached?



Replies to this topic
RE: EEA self employment and evidence, JohnA, 05th Mar 2009, #1
RE: EEA self employment and evidence, Damian, 06th Mar 2009, #2


Chairman, Low Incomes Tax Reform Group
Member since
18th Mar 2004

RE: EEA self employment and evidence
Thu 05-Mar-09 05:10 PM


Best for her/you to get some good tax advice as a starting point. If she is getting NI demands then she must have got onto the system somehow.

Suggest that you ring the TaxAid helpline or e-mail them:

Room 304
Linton House
164 – 180 Union Street

Tel: 0845 120 3779 (Mon to Thurs 10am to 12 noon)
E-mail: info@taxaid.org.uk





WRO(Health), Salford WRS
Member since
23rd May 2005

RE: EEA self employment and evidence
Fri 06-Mar-09 10:45 AM

Thanks John, I had planned on ringing the helpline on Monday but I'll try the email instead.



Top Working Tax Credit & Child Tax Credit topic #3497First topic | Last topic