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Top Working Tax Credit & Child Tax Credit topic #1664

Subject: "overpayment recovery guidance" First topic | Last topic

editorial director, rightsnet
Member since
28th Jul 2005

overpayment recovery guidance
Fri 07-Apr-06 10:46 AM

"new" march 2006 version of COP26 has been issued by the Reveune .... see http://www.hmrc.gov.uk/leaflets/cop26.pdf



Replies to this topic

Steve Johnson

Manager, Walthamstow CAB
Member since
24th Oct 2005

RE: overpayment recovery guidance
Tue 18-Apr-06 11:47 AM

Hi Shawn,

Many thanks for this. The new code is strict on people reading the award notices etc. Unless you have exceptional circumstances, it seems unlikely they will write off if they think you have not checked the award and any final notices. Those who do not understand notices are supposed to seek advice. What if you cannot read english - how do you read the code to understand you are supposed to seek advice!?

The new tax credits notices must be really clear, if such expectations of comprehension are so high.

Lastly, the new code still suggests write offs are possible on hardship grounds, even though it would seem there were no/very few write offs based on hardship in the first 3 years of the scheme.




Top Working Tax Credit & Child Tax Credit topic #1664First topic | Last topic