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Top Disability related benefits topic #330

Subject: "HRMC & pain" First topic | Last topic

Welfare Rights Unit, Cardiff County Council
Member since
23rd Jan 2004

HRMC & pain
Tue 27-Apr-04 02:10 PM

I am representing a client for a DLA appeal. She has depression/anxiety and back pain. she has given evidence that she can only walk a very short distacne and uses a (borrowed) wheelchair to get about out of doors. she has seen a consultant and had various investigations for the back pain - consultant has declined to provide a report or letter.
EMP says that her stated level of pain is not consistant with his clinical findings - implication seems to be that the pain is psychosomatic in origin. can this still count for higher rate mobility or does pain have to have a physical cause?
Also emp says normal thickening of skin on soles of feet - we've had this discussion on rightsnet before but where?



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disability rights advisor, castle morpeth citizens advice bureau
Member since
21st Jan 2004

RE: HRMC & pain
Wed 28-Apr-04 01:23 PM

I note that Derbyshire County Council Welfare Rights Service book on DLA/AA caselaw(sixth addition Jan 2004 pages 208/209) give caselaw on physical or mental causes in respect to HRMC.

I don't know if it helps in your case, but it may be useful guidance.



Top Disability related benefits topic #330First topic | Last topic