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Top Housing Benefit & Council Tax Benefit topic #891

Subject: "local housing allowance" First topic | Last topic
glenys harriman

benefits and income adviser, north british housing west yorkshire
Member since
10th Feb 2004

local housing allowance
Fri 05-Nov-04 02:01 PM

i've not had much success finding what the actual calculation is to determine the local housing allowances per broad market rental area- I was suspicious that the pathfinders sem to be a lot more generous than the "old" system and was told it was because the broad market area is different so reflects a different average market rent. but surely it isn't purely a matter of the computer adding up all the relevant rents in the area and working out the average? or is it? Also what are people's feelings about rent restructuring? will the LHA in rsl's take account of it, or v.v?



Replies to this topic
RE: local housing allowance, derek_S, 08th Nov 2004, #1
RE: local housing allowance, HBSpecialists, 08th Nov 2004, #2


Welfare benefit Adviser, Northern Counties Housing Association - South York
Member since
23rd Jan 2004

RE: local housing allowance
Mon 08-Nov-04 11:00 AM

I had not heard that LHA for RSL's has yet been finalised. Last I heard was that DWP intended to announce pilots for RSL's but that they would take into account the financial implications for RSL landlords that were not for profit (and whose rents are regulated anyway).

Has there been some announcement I have missed?




Independent Housing Benefit Trainer/Appeals & Pres, HBSpecialists London
Member since
23rd Apr 2004

RE: local housing allowance
Mon 08-Nov-04 05:07 PM

Nope you have not missed anything...

LHA's should not have an impact until RSL's have completed 'rent restructure' and that is not until 2010...

The policy intent of the DWP has always been to impliment LHA payments in the private rented sector, and make sure it is running smoothly well before turning to the position of RSL's (which would by extension affect Local Authority housing stock (such as it is, and such as it will be by 2010).

Of course, all this is dependent on the outcome of the next election... Before the 1997 General Election, regs had already been laid and guidance issued to Local authorities on the restriction of all rents of single people under 60 years old (in the private rented sector), to the Single Room Rent level...

As the primary legislation is so weak, the HB scheme can be amended at almost any time, and in any shape and having any result as the Secretary of State might choose...



Top Housing Benefit & Council Tax Benefit topic #891First topic | Last topic