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Top Working Tax Credit & Child Tax Credit topic #1088

Subject: "early day motion re tax credits overpayments" First topic | Last topic

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early day motion re tax credits overpayments
Fri 10-Jun-05 02:18 PM

'That this House notes with concern recent Government figures which show the extent of overpayment of working tax credit and child tax credit and the fact that a third of all awards have been overpaid; recognises that nearly two million families are having to repay an average of £1,028 each and the financial difficulty that many families are facing as a result; and calls on the Government to ensure that no family which has been overpaid tax credits as a result of Government error will be forced to repay the outstanding amounts and urgently to review the whole system of awarding tax credits in order to minimise the potential for future overpayment.'



Top Working Tax Credit & Child Tax Credit topic #1088First topic | Last topic