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Top Housing Benefit & Council Tax Benefit topic #3303

Subject: "HB/CTB and inhospital 52 wks +" First topic | Last topic

mental health caseworker, Anfield CAB
Member since
07th Mar 2005

HB/CTB and inhospital 52 wks +
Fri 19-May-06 11:08 AM

Client in hospital 52 weeks now. Has home leave during the day but not over night leave.

HB Zebedee book clear: no HB/CTB after 52 weeks claim ends.

HB Regs say period of absence may start again after small period at home,even 24 hours, quoting a case: 'Burke'.

Linking rule states: periods of inpatient care less than 28 days linked as one.

Anyone help on this? Can I get him overnight leave and then start his period of absence again?



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mental health caseworker, Anfield CAB
Member since
07th Mar 2005

RE: HB/CTB and inhospital 52 wks +
Fri 19-May-06 02:05 PM

Spoke to specialist support who believe that linking period does apply to period of absence. Therefore, one nights home leave and 52 week period of absence begins again, (or this is the argument qouting 'Burke' as the reference.) Page 208 in HB regs law book.



Top Housing Benefit & Council Tax Benefit topic #3303First topic | Last topic